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Guild:[Echo of Silence]

Vbunny's gone Incognito/In Which Vbunny Learns That Steam Doesn't Believe In Wikis

greetings fellow knights/stalkers! I first crash landed (contrary to popular belief I DIDN'T land on my head) during the open beta release when I listened to the Bancast mentioning an open beta and it sounded interesting enough to join. I've recently joined Echo of Silence, and they've been kind enough to greet me with open arms and tolerate my weird humor, and awkwardness at times.

my claims to fame (in my own head) are:

♠ unnoficially EoS' token furry (as if the name didn't show it, I'm a bunny. also a guy. a very flamboyant guy =:3)

♠ just now learning how to make a spades symbol

♠ taking over a year to get all 5* items (I understand that's slow but I was a dumb noob back then... a dumb dumb noob)

♠ crafting a failmillion and getting rid of it once I got an avenger

♠ learning how to be less flammable. which involved a surgical procedure where they removed my vitasuit DX and I got a vog set

♠ being one of the few knights who literally goes out of his way for beggars ingame because he's got an ingame superstition and believes it brings good luck

♠ learning the generosity of my friends Ilovehedgehogs and Diego who got me a voltedge for my 22nd birthday

♠ and last but not least getting to be less lazy and making a wiki

now for the fun bits we all come around to visit for, the toothpicks, things that go boom, things that need more dakka, and stuff what covers your nakedness! oh and tough bits of metal to hold out in front of you so you don't get mauled by bears

>>>>>>>>>>>>THE ARSENAL<<<<<<<<<<<<

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