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Ghostmane Stalkers are a type of monster found in Operation Crimson Hammer . They are ninja-like units that use something similar, if not the same, as the Recon cloak in Lockdown.


Ghostmane Stalkers are the undercover gremlins that stalk knights. With the ability to cloak, dodge, and throw blades, they are the assassins of the gremlins and are also the quickest. Their recon cloak behaves the same as Recon in Lockdown: they can mark Knights with the Recon Mark and eventually the "Death Mark", which nullifies a Knight's defences completely for 5 seconds. If a Ghostmane is successfully hit while cloaked, they will become visible.


Ghostmane Stalker

Notable Stalkers

Grinchlin Stalker


Ghostmane Stalkers are a pain to deal with, since they are able to cloak, are agile and never stay in one area for very long. Since Ghostmanes become visible when successfully hit by an attack, any wide-area bomb can be used to successfully and efficiently reveal any hidden Ghostmanes. Once revealed, try kill them as quickly as possible; they will become vulnerable and are easily knocked back by regular attacks. If you are unable to kill them in time, they will re-cloak and flee. Mecha Knights can also see through the cloak and will seek them out.

See Also

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