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The dash is a special kind of movement, that allows the knight to suddenly "long jump" or speed up for about one second. The default key combination for this action is Shift + Right Mouse Button. It cannot be activated in certain situations, such as when the knight is surrounded by enemies in a corner.

If the knight is standing still, then the knight jumps in the direction that he (or she) is facing. If the knight is moving, then he jumps in the movement direction. When unobstructed, the jump is five tiles long, in a straight line. Hitting an obstacle after the second square causes the dash to stop. Hitting an obstacle before the second square causes the dash to be deflected in a different direction.

Dash does not deal damage or status to enemies, and the knight can take damage while dashing. However, the knight is immune to attacks for a brief period of time near the end of the dash. During this time, the knight actually disappears from the monsters' AIs, and they may drop the knight as a target.

In some cases, the knight can draw nearby monsters with him on the dash. These cases may happen when the Right Mouse Button is pressed and then Shift is pressed after a small delay. A monster's dash can be deflected by obstacles in the same way as a knight's dash.

Dash was added to the game in release 2013-05-22.

See Also

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