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Wymion the Star Ignis

Hey, my name is Wymion, (It means Sun Feather or Child of the Sunlight) I'm a Dragon Knight, not officially a Knight, just a Dragons spirit trapped in a Knights body, When the Skylark crashed and ancient Dragon call Asheighni saved me and some other Dragon Eggs from being hit with debris from the falling ship, at the same time he prevented serious damage to the ship, saving a few Knights, I use Elemental Weapons, and wear Scale (Dragon-related) armours that I crafted from materials from the clockworks, I was risen by my founder Master Scale (Who I now call Master Drake) I never ate meat, only berries the Snipes would help me find. I aspire to become like Asheighni, the one who saved my life, and wish to become a teacher and help young Knights become Dragons like me. I love astrology and looking at the night sky, my Star Sign is Libra making me a Judge of the Underworld, and my decision is to save Knights from the dark clutches of the Swarm

Current Weapons

Blade: Blazebrand

Gun: Fiery Pepperbox

Bomb: Currently None

Current Armour

Helm: Drake Scale Helm

Armour: Drake Scale Mail

Shield: Drake Scale Shield

Shadow Ignis

Aspects Change when I become Shadow Ignis, my armour and blade change

Shadow Ignis Blade: Silent Nightblade (AKA "The Silence" or said "Your screams shall not be heard...")

Shadow Ignis Costume: Angelic Raiment (AKA "The Fallen Angel's Garment" or said "Made from the wings of those who fell from hell.")

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