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Echoez / Alice
Joined: 15/06/2011
Guild: Beyond the Core
Achievements: 60/60

About Me

I'm Echoez or Alice, your resident neuro-diverse, transgender, pan-sexual mish-mash of triple marginalized strangeness and one of the few obsessive bombing maniacs whom still runs around blowing things up despite Three Ring's best efforts to trample over aspiring bombers, and of course I'm also founder and Guild Master of Beyond the Core, and formerly a Guild Master of Gunslinger Priests. I've been playing since the Steam release of Spiral Knights, have acquired some of the best UV gear around and then repeatedly sold it all on the numerous occassions I've "quit" the game only to later come back and re-amass it all. I've done most of everything there is to do in Spiral Knights and these days spend my time doing guild runs, since at the end of the day MMO's are about the community, and I've been lucky enough to meet several amazing people through my time in Spiral Knights. I also Lockdown when I'm patient enough to deal with the obnoxious queuing system.


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