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Revision as of 13:49, 6 March 2014 by Acies (Talk | contribs)

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Icon 55x55px
Damage Resistances
Defense elemental icon.png Defense piercing icon.png Defense shadow icon.png
Defense none.png Defense none.png Defense none.png

Shufflebots are a special kind of Monster found only in the Advanced Training Hall and a Guild Hall's Guild Training Hall.


Shufflebots are training monsters which deal very little damage and are easily defeated. As training monsters, they are confined to specific closed-off areas within the Advanced Training Hall and a Guild's Private Training Hall; every one of them is accompanied by a Respawning Block and will respawn a few seconds after they are defeated.

Although they appear to be Constructs and take extra damage from Construct UVs, they take neutral damage to all damage types and are susceptable to Sleep.



  • Shufflebots resemble metallic Jelly cubes.
  • Before the Guild Hall Update, a single Shufflebot could be seen with some workers in the eastern area of Haven.
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