Advanced Training Hall
From SpiralKnights
The Advanced Training Hall is located in Haven on the western side of the Town Square.
The training hall provides a more extensive explanation on the obstacles and items Knights will encounter in the Clockworks. The hall is divided into three portions, one for each specific aspect of the Clockworks. The west portion of the hall deals with consumables, including heat, crowns, and vials. The north portion deals with various blocks, including switches and buttons. The east portion deals with various environmental hazards, including spikes and status ailing grates. Further towards the east are two practice areas, both that demonstrate the use of jars and shields.
The Advanced Training Hall is an excellent location for Knights to experiment with their equipment, although the strength of the higher-tiered gear in the hall will not be reflected in higher-tiered depths.
The entrance to the Advanced Training Hall begins in Haven, in the Town Square near the exit to the Bazaar. When a Knight first walks into the hall, there will be a main desk in the center of the entire structure. Any Knight can ask the Konway as to what expect or find in each section of the area.
The halfway after entering the Hall, at the front, Konway is waiting in the desk.
West Wing
The West Wing involves Pickup items such as Vials and Capsules, and also introduces Heat, Crowns, Vitapods, and Treasure Boxes. There is an area where enemies regenerate, which a good area to practice use of handguns or vials. This wing displays to Knights what certain items look like, and gives examples of each item.
Unlike the Clockworks, the Advanced Training Hall is not only a great place to be able to practice a Knight's skills and learn the basics of Spiral Knights, but offers a wonderful place to simply enjoy the company of other Knights. Like with the Clockworks, this area allows knights to "Solo" and give the opportunity for private training. The Advanced Training Hall offers something for every Knight, and there is always some new strategy to learn here.
Here, you can test the Vials throwing it to these Shufflebots at the top.
North Wing
The North Wing pertains more to the basics of Exploration: Blocks, Explosive Blocks, Ghost Blocks, Crystal Blocks, Switches, Buttons, Doors, Statues, and Pressure Pads. This wing of the Advanced Training Hall explains the basics of gameplay, and shows the more common strategies that may need to be performed within the Clockworks.
East Wing
The East Wing involves more aspects of the Clockworks, allowing a Knight to learn about Clay Pots, Shields, Traps, and status effects. There are also regenerating enemies, shufflebots that allow for good and easy practice for beginning Knights. There is a Healing Station with Heart Regenerators if a need arises for health.
It is possible to "die" within the Clockworks, but revival is free and only require a push of the space bar or action key. (a notification will appear on your screen if this occurs as well).
South Wing
The South Wing allow your Knight to learn about the Spike Traps and the Arsenal Station in the Clockworks.
The 2-1 Mission: Pumping Up feature the Advanced Training Hall.
In the North Wing area, it is possible to "troll" new players with the area teaching new knights about Ghost Blocks. Trolls would break the blocks via hitting the Ghost Block, direct unsuspecting knights to the corner, and sit on the Ghost Block respawn themselves. When the blocks respawned, the new knights would be trapped in the corner with no Ghost Block to attack, due to the troll preventing the Ghost Block from respawning.
At one point, certain doors would have a glitch that will allowed the Knight to "ride atop" them and leave them hanging. It was a fun game to play when bored, but occasionally caused the game to reload.