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Herex stealing the Artifact.

"Pah! I am no mere gremlin. I am the thousand eyes that watch you in the darkness. I am the hissing blade that whispers your doom. Tear down every wall and cog in this accursed place and you will find only shadows." — Herex

Herex, the Whispering Venom, is a member of the Crimson Order. He owns a gremlin bioweapon facilities called Compound 42, which is the site of a Danger Mission of the same name.


  • Before the fight against Seerus in Operation Crimson Hammer, Seerus mentions Herex in his dialogue. Since he inquires if Herex sent the Iron Assasins, that is, the knights sieging his Grand Arsenal to kill him, one wonders on what foot their relation is.
  • Herex assaults with his Gremlin squad The Lab during the Rank Mission A New Threat (4-2) and steals the strange Artifact.
  • The last level of Spark and Roar spawns a black pixelated mist floating around the area. This along the green Crimson Order insignia on the floor points that the Swarm and Herex may be related.
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