Compact Area

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A Compact Area is an area that features constructs and combat with one or more Battle Pods. It is reminiscent of Clockwork Tunnels: Mechanized Mile, in that its appearance changes with status theme, as do many of the monsters found here. Most of these monsters are of the construct family, even though these areas are usually indicated by the "gremlin grounds" gate icon.

They seem to be "factories" or "storage areas." The large number of breakable blocks in Compact Area seems fitting, as many of these blocks are have the appearance of miscellaneous boxes, and elsewhere in the clockworks are Monster Cages in disguise.

Compact Areas consist of five major map parts: the beginning, middle area, connector, arena, and end. This miniature arena always features one or more Battle Pods of some kind.

A few missions feature Compact Areas:


Map Visual Mission or Area Level or Segment Notes
Map-Compact Area-Start-1A.png No official description for this area. Compact Area Start Notes:

A starting area.

Map-Compact Area-I-5A.png No official description for this area. Compact Area I Notes:

A large compact area with a few puzzles to solve.

Map-Compact Area-I-2A.png No official description for this area. Compact Area I Notes:

A large compact area with a few puzzles to solve.

Map-Compact Area-I-3A.png No official description for this area. Compact Area I Notes:

A small connector featuring a rotating gear.

Map-Compact Area-I-4A.png No official description for this area. Compact Area I Notes:

A small connector featuring two rotating gears.

Map-Compact Area-I-1A.png No official description for this area. Compact Area I Notes:

A small arena with one or more Battlepods.

Map-Compact Area-I-6A.png No official description for this area. Compact Area I Notes:

A small arena with one or more Battlepods.

Map-Compact Area-I-7A.png No official description for this area. Compact Area I Notes:

A small arena with one or more Battlepods.

Map-Compact Area-End-1A.png No official description for this area. Compact Area End Notes:

A small area with Treasure Boxes.

See Also

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