Talk:Aurora (Guild)

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Revision as of 07:37, 30 December 2011 by AnkokuFlare (Talk | contribs)

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Guild Masters


  • Aarathi
  • Arcelia
  • Chub-Chub
  • Propelly
  • Splockets

Guild Created: October 06, 2011
Population 87

Aurora (Guild) Announcements

For GMs/Officers to post guild announcements.

Secret Santy Even Ended!

I was astounded on how many participated! I hope you guys were all happy with the results as I am.

Stay tuned for the next big event ;D

The New Recruit Initiative

The New Recruit Initiative is a long-term recruit giveaway, sponsored by donations from the members of Aurora. It's primary goal is to assist promising recruits in getting T2 access and obtaining a fundamental set of gear, concentrated around the Jelly King levels (Royal Jelly Palace, D15-17). Instead of spending time grinding T1 for the low heat and crowns, the New Recruit Initiative will give the recruit the gear requirements for T2 (2* or above) and allow them to effectively bypass it, moving onto the more profitable T2 in order to maximize crown gain.

To participate in the New Recruit Initiative Program, you must:

  • A) Be a recruit
  • B) Lack T2 Access/have difficulty defeating Jelly King
  • C) Have no 3* or higher items.
  • D) Fill out the following survey and mail it to Daiquiri:


  • 1) What is your current loadout?
  • 2) How long have you been playing Spiral Knights? When did you start?
  • 3) What do you like about Spiral Knights?
  • 4) Have you defeated the Snarbolax yet?
    • 4.1) If so, how many Frumious Fangs have you obtained?
  • 5) Do you know about the Spiral Knights Forum on the Spiral Knights Website?
    • 5.1) Do you know about the New Recruits and Arsenal sections of the forum, which contain useful information for new players?
  • 6) What do you think you can bring to the Aurora community?
  • 7) One of the key principles of Aurora is learning, and as a recruit, you are entitled to ask any veteran, officer, guild master, and even member for assistance in any aspect of the game (short of begging). Please verify that you understand this.
  • 8) Are there any questions you have about gaining T2 access/progressing in the game?

After your survey has been approved by the Guild Masters and Officers of Aurora, you will be granted a set of equipment based on your responses:

New Recruit Initiative Sets

There are currently two sets of gear that can be claimed:

1) The Snarbolax Set is available to anyone who has not defeated Snarbolax and/or has not completed 10 T1 levels. It provides a basic Gloaming Wildwoods-centered set of gear:

2) The Jelly King Set is available to anyone who has gained 10+ Frumious Fangs and has completed 10 levels of T1. It provides a basic Royal Jelly Palace-centered set of gear:

Note*: If a participant already has a said piece of gear, that item will not be given.

Note**: A participant may claim both sets of gear, if the conditions are met independently.


The New Recruit Initiative grants recruits the gear they will need to complete the stated stratums. Additional help can be found by asking members for help on runs and tactics with the newfound weapons. We have a great group of veteran players here at Aurora, and please feel free to ask away about anything! Remember, there are no stupid questions :).

Current Stock

Note: This is more of an FYI page for the donors to concentrate their donations ^^.

Hall of Donors

Thank you all for your assistance in making this possible!

  • Fradow
  • Ztephanie
  • Valene
  • Dblake
  • Margle
  • Ankokuflare
  • Arcelia

Inactivity Check

We will be hosting an inactivity check around the end of December, to hopefully make room for more knights :). If you have an extended absence coming, or don't feel like playing SK that much anymore (SADFACE :<), let one of the officers or GMs know beforehand!

And, if you've been removed for inactivity but have returned, message one of the officers/GMs and we'll send an invite right your way! :).


This is where we handle recipe exchanges. You can request your guildmates to keep an eye out for recipes, or post a list of your own recipes and offer them to guildmates! Submit the name of the recipe and the star, and please, either finder or seeker, edit as soon as it's no longer required.

Note: Please don't request here if you intend to resell. This is more for guildies helping guildies, rather than profit. Thanks :)


Alphappy is looking for:


Dai's Extras

Just let me know if you want these! First come first serve, at Basil price :)

Alphappy's Extras

All recipes sold at Basil's price to guildmates. If I'm not on, feel free to send a request via in-game mail. You do not have to send the money right away, but if you do I have no intentions of keeping it without mailing the recipe back. You can also leave a request on my talk page.

4-star recipes - 10,000 crowns
Equipment-Ash Tail Cap icon.png Ash Tail Cap Equipment-Ash Tail Coat icon.png Ash Tail Coat Equipment-Avenger icon.png Avenger Equipment-Blazebrand icon.png Blazebrand
Equipment-Blizzbrand icon.png Blizzbrand Equipment-Cold Iron Carver icon.png Cold Iron Carver Equipment-Dark Thorn Shield icon.png Dark Thorn Shield Equipment-Faust icon.png Faust
Equipment-Fiery Atomizer icon.png Fiery Atomizer Equipment-Gigawatt Pulsar icon.png Gigawatt Pulsar Equipment-Graviton Bomb icon.png Graviton Bomb Equipment-Hunting Blade icon.png Hunting Blade
Equipment-Miracle Cloak icon.png Miracle Cloak Equipment-Miracle Hood icon.png Miracle Hood Equipment-Plasma Capacitor icon.png Plasma Capacitor Equipment-Prisma Driver icon.png Prisma Driver
Equipment-Salamander Mask icon.png Salamander Mask Equipment-Sinister Skelly Shield icon.png Sinister Skelly Shield Equipment-Wise Owlite Shield icon.png Wise Owlite Shield Equipment-Wyvern Scale Helm icon.png Wyvern Scale Helm
Equipment-Wyvern Scale Shield icon.png Wyvern Scale Shield
3-star recipes - 4,000 crowns
Equipment-Chroma Mask icon.png Chroma Mask Equipment-Drake Scale Mail icon.png Drake Scale Mail Equipment-Horned Owlite Shield icon.png Horned Owlite Shield Equipment-Iceburst Brandish icon.png Iceburst Brandish

I also have numerous 2-star recipes I don't feel like listing here, feel free to ask about them.

Guild Scrapbook

External Links

See what Aurora folks are up to outside of SK!

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