Template talk:MapList

From SpiralKnights

Revision as of 12:51, 14 March 2015 by Novaster (Talk | contribs)

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This is looking absolutely fantastic. A few issues I'd like to bring up, though.

  • This whole project is based around the mapping of the modules that occur in randomly generated levels, correct? If so, then pregenerated levels and segments from these should not appear here. I think there could be some issues with how you've mentioned missions as missions are either pregenerated, or are just levels that already exist in the Arcade, but I'll have to figure out what this applies to when the cases crop up.
    • Thus, documenting every non-sublevel pregenerated area like mission lobbies, is outside the scope of the original idea (random level segments) and since these areas only occur in one location, they should simply just be added to their respective pages (I'm specifically talking about the Lobby map you've made on User:Novaster/Sandbox. It doesn't need to be placed in a special template, just chuck the map on the March of the Tortodrones page. Unless, of course, you want a page with every single piece of existing level in the game on a single page, but I think you already know that that'll be massive and unwieldy.
  • To my understanding, module selection at intersections is based upon what direction the connections are facing. For example, the Security Door Module Only ever exists on an intersection where paths are coming in from the west and from the north. (The dead-end east path is generated as part of this module) You'll never find it in any other orientation.

--HexZyle 12:43, 14 March 2015 (UTC)


1) nonrandom areas can be plugged into a template to name them easily, they don't have to be in a list (that would be huge and unwieldly yes!) - this is just so editors can make "to do lists", upload the files, and then get rid of the "to do" list and have the images show up on the relevant missions pages in galleries. This should really help with the Mission Page revamp we've been wanting to do. In the future, it should help new editors know how to name their files, instead of just randomly.
2) Security Door Module would be an "L" type. Should we add in a rotation section in the notes? It might help with "variant" issues. -Novaster 12:51, 14 March 2015 (UTC)
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