Deadly Charcoaler

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Equipment-Scissor Blades icon.png This item is a Reskin of another item.
See the Notes section on this page for details.
Deadly Charcoaler
Deadly Charcoaler-Equipped.png
Damage type(s) and Attack Speed influence combat. The attack style of the weapon in relation to the combat environment is also important. Consider both when choosing weapons to wield.


Boosts and Penalties are both considered "abilities" in general. Many items don't have any special abilities. See the Abilities page for details. Some enemies are immune to certain status conditions - see individual status pages for details.

This item doesn't have any special abilities.

All weapons gain these CTR bonuses as they level.
  • Level 5+: CTR: Low
  • Level 10: CTR: Medium

The Deadly Charcoaler is a 5-star bomb.


This gallant grill is guaranteed to char your competition.


Obtained randomly from a:


The following damage values represent the weapon at its completed level, without any UV or bonus from other equipment, and listed as a range found from the first to last floor of each stratum.

 [showDeadly Charcoaler's Damage Table (Click to Show!)
Stratum 1 Stratum 2 Stratum 3 Stratum 4 Stratum 5 Stratum 6
Versus Undead and Constructs
Bomb Blast 19-21 23-26 50-52 55-56 87-116 128-143
Shards 23-27 33-38 66-71 74-79 117-151 166-186
Versus Slimes and Fiends
Bomb Blast 14 16-18 32-33 35 51-65 70-75
Shards 18 22-25 46-45? 45-47 71-89 95-99
Versus Gremlins and Beasts
Bomb Blast 3-4 5-6 9-10 11-12 17-22 24-27
Shards 4-5 6-7 11-13 13-15 20-26 29-33

Note: Enemies take more damage at the beginning of strata 3 than at the end. Also note: While the base damage for shard bombs are low, they increase substantially more with damage bonuses. than other weapons do. See Zeddy's DPS chart for details.

Alchemy Path

Deadly Charcoaler's alchemy path
☆☆☆☆☆ ★☆☆☆☆ ★★☆☆☆ ★★★☆☆ ★★★★☆ ★★★★★
Deadly Charcoaler
Deadly Charcoaler


The Deadly Charcoaler was introduced during the Splash Prize Box Promotion in May 2014.

It is part of a group of "culinary" items, which include a variety of combat gear as well as aesthetic pieces from different parts of the game. View full list here.

Despite the description stating that it will "char your competition," the Deadly Charcoaler does not actually inflict Fire.

This item is a reskin of the Deadly Crystal Bomb.

Tech Pink Deadly Charcoaler originally looked like Deadly Charcoaler after placing on the ground. This was a bug, which was fixed in release 2018-07-10.


Abbr. Name Visual Acquisition Notes
Deadly Charcoaler
Equipment-Deadly Charcoaler icon.png
Deadly Charcoaler
Deadly Charcoaler Usable-Splash Prize Box icon.png Splash Prize Box
Usable-Plunge Prize Box icon.png Plunge Prize Box
This is the original variant of this item.

Initial release:
21 May 2014
Tech Pink Deadly Charcoaler
Equipment-Tech Pink Deadly Charcoaler icon.png
Tech Pink
Tech Pink Deadly Charcoaler Usable-SummerTech Prize Box icon.png SummerTech Prize Box zThis item is like the others. It does not have different textures or special effects.

Initial release:
28 June 2018

See Also

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