Euclid was the leader of the missing Alpha Squad.
"Euclid wasn't your typical knight. By the time most in his division were getting their Squire crest, he had already achieved Vanguard. As a Squad Leader, he lead a series of successful assaults against the Morai during the liberation of Isora. A brilliant tactician, he was known for getting the job done with half the knights of the other squads. It was for this reason that Ozlo selected him to take a small squad down into the unknown depths of the Clockworks. After all, if you cut your teeth battling under Morai fire you could probably handle anything right? But maybe the Clockworks proved too much for even his ability. We just don't know."
- Kora in the 3-2
Mission: The Pioneers
Recon Modules

Recon Module: Gloaming Wildwoods
A recording from Euclid, Alpha Squad leader:
- As Spiral HQ is not yet fully operational and most systems are offline, these personal recordings will have to suffice as a record of our expedition until HQ can establish an Uplink system with squads in the field.
The Clockworks are both fascinating and horrifying. Within a seemingly impossible machine all manners of alien worlds exist within the giant globes that endlessly churn through every floor. What purpose do they serve? And from where did these worlds come?
Before the crash the Skylark performed a partial scan of Cradle's surface that revealed what appeared to be a landscape composed of enormous parches of disparate terrain. The Clockworks are a manufactured place, perhaps the worlds they contain are harvested from the terrain above. But how?

Recon Module: The Gauntlet
A recording from Euclid, Alpha Squad Leader:
- Within the Clockworks we can afford little sleep. Hostiles are around every corner and many of the environments are unsuitable for camp.
But when sleep comes, I find myself dreaming more than I ever have before. In my dreams I see Cradle, slowly turning and drifting throught the stars. I see the patches of its varying terrain unfold and stretch across the stars like an enormous quilt. It is an oddly comforting dream, to see a world unravel itself...
But then I wake, and the chaos of the Clockworks engulfs me once more; the groans of its ever-turning cogs and howls of the terrible beasts that call it home echoing everywhere.
I hope to return one day to the surface, to a sun, to a place where peace is more than a fleeting dream.