The Pioneers is a 3-2 rank mission.
After the crash of the Skylark, Captain Ozlo selected an elite squad of Spiral Knights to be the first to enter the Clockworks. They were never seen again. Contact Intel Agent Kora and learn how you will play a role in solving this mystery.
Contact Intel Agent Kora via comlink.
Hello PLAYERNAME, I hope you're doing well. Something has come up that will require you to face your greatest challenge yet. I have an order from Spiral HQ that comes from Captain Ozlo himself. You have been selected as one of the Knights to actively search for traces of the Alpha Squad
- Alpha Squad? Sounds vaguely familiar...
It should, there're plenty of new recruits that chatter about them constantly. They're like heroes to some knights. The Alpha Squad was an elite squad of knights that Ozlo personally selected to first enter the Clockworks in an effort to locate the source of the massive energy signal below. Because all systems on the Skylark were offline for several weeks, radio communication was not possible. Instead, they left a series of recon modules throughout their travels, sort of like a breadcrumb trail.
When our technicians finally got the Skylark's communications systems online, we could not establish a link with the Alpha Squad and they have never been heard from since. Their channel is completely dead. Their dead line is what has us all scratching our heads. Our comlinks are built to withstand all manners of extreme conditions, even explosions. Heck, they survived the Skylark going down after all. There's nothing I can think of that could kill the link completely
- Where do I come in to all of this?
We need you to discover what happened to them. You'll start by seeking out known locations of their recon modules and collecting them for analysis. I will be in charge of locating their general whereabouts and directing you toward them. It's your job to go into the wild to retrieve them. Additionally, I'll provide you with a quick background of each of the four members of the Alpha Squad: Squad Leader Euclid, Squad Guardian Grantz, Squad Recon Parma, and Squad Technician Rulen.
- Tell me about Squad Leader Euclid.
Euclid wasn't your typical knight. By the time most in his division were getting their Squire crest, he had already achieved Vanguard. As a Squad Leader, he lead a series of successful assaults against the Morai during the liberation of Isora. A brilliant tactician, he was known for getting the job done with half the knights of other squads.
It was for this reason that Ozlo selected him to take a small squad down into the unknown depths of the Clockworks. After all, if you cut your teeth battling under Morai typhoon fire you could probably handle anything right? But maybe the Clockworks proved too much for even his ability. We just don't know.
- Tell me about Squad Guardian Grantz.
Grantz was the real veteran of the bunch. A seasoned Guardian, Grantz specialized in keeping his squad safe, namely by crushing anything that would mean to do them harm. Grantz took his Guardian's Oath very seriously, often putting himself directly in harm's way in order to protect another. The guy was selfless. I imagine that if disaster truly befell the Alpha Squad, Grantz didn't let it end without one hell of a fight.
- tell me about Squad Recon Parma
Parma was the youngest of the bunch, a very talented Recon, but with little combat experience. She and I went to academy together and I can remember the day when the simulator technicians and thought their program was busted due to Parma's performance. She actually apologized! But still, I'm worried about her. From the reports that I've read, the Clockworks are unlike anything we've ever encountered. I only hope that as she keeps them informed of what's ahead, that they will watch her back.
- Tell me about Squad Technician Rulen.
Rulen was recruited as the technical genius that Captain Ozlo believed would be required for navigating the vast, mechanized world of the Clockworks. His primary responsibilities included everything from disabling locks to repairing armor to wrecking sentient constructs. He was additionally the lead on analyzing the Core once the squad reached it.
Rulen was very... logical. I think he was very aware of the odds we have of reaching the Core and then doing something with it in order to restore the Skylark. I think Rulen knew exactly what kind of mission he was undertaking when they made their first descent into the darkness of the Clockworks.
Right, down to business. We've located an Alpha Squad recon module in the area of the Clockworks known as the 'Gloaming Wildwoods.' However, this particular zone is home to a horrible creature known as 'the Snarbolax.' The Snarbolax has made fast work of Squires like yourself, but I know you can handle it, PLAYERNAME. But you're going to need to prepare. I've issued you a series of missions that will allow you to assemble a load out fit for taking on this terrible beast and reclaiming that recon module!
- I'll do my best to recover the recon module and destroy the Snarbolax!
We're counting on you, PLAYERNAME.
This mission discusses the Alpha Squad.
It automatically completes on elite difficulty, thus permanently granting the
badge for the mission's card image.
Completing this mission grants the player access to the Expansion Mission section of the mission interface, allowing the player to purchase and participate in expansions.
See Also