Let's Go Shopping! is a 2-1 rank mission.
The Haven Bazaar is a place where all manners of item-related goods and services can be found. Whether you're in the market for a more powerful sword or just want to make your armor stand out in a crowd, it's got what you need!
Visit the Haven Bazaar and discover what it has to offer.
Welcome to the Haven Bazaar! It's a pleasure to meet you PLAYERNAME, my name is Bechamel. Since I work here in the Bazaar, Spiral HQ has asked me to show new arrivals around this fabulous epicenter of commerce and let them know everything it has to offer. So let's go on a quick tour shall we? Try and keep up, I walk fast.
Strangers like Quillion here sell you weapons and armor. Each one specializes in a particular kind of item, so talk to them and find out what they carry. They're not very chatty, but they always have a fresh stock of items every day! Just be sure that you've reached the appropriate rank to equip an item!
- Do Strangers sell anything else besides weapons and gear?
I'm glad you asked, they certainly do! Let's head over to Vatel.
Vatel here will sell you a selection of recipes as well as personal color changers and other items.
- Recipes? For weapons and gear?
That's right, you can acquire recipes and materials in order to alchemize weapons and gear at alchemy stations. Come on, I'll show you one.
Here we have an alchemy station that you'll no doubt become very familiar with as you upgrade your arsenal. But no need to worry about that too much as spiral HQ is likely to give you a mission later on that explains everything. Well, that about does it for your first tour. Do you want me to go over it all again or do you think you've got it?
- I'd like you to give me the tour once more. (go back to the beginning)
- I think I've got it Bechamel, thanks!
Wonderful! I'm glad I could help you get your bearings. Good luck to you, PLAYERNAME!
- Thanks Bechamel, I'll be seeing you!
This mission automatically completes on elite difficulty, thus permanently granting the
badge for the mission's card image.
See Also