Virulent Seedling

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Equipment-Scissor Blades icon.png This item is a Reskin of Venom Veiler.
See the Notes section on this page for details.

Virulent Seedling
Virulent Seedling-Equipped.png
Damage type(s) and Attack Speed influence combat. The attack style of the weapon in relation to the combat environment is also important. Consider both when choosing weapons to wield.


Boosts and Penalties are both considered "abilities" in general. Many items don't have any special abilities. See the Abilities page for details. Some enemies are immune to certain status conditions - see individual status pages for details.

Equipment-Virulent Seedling Abilities.png

All weapons gain these CTR bonuses as they level.
  • Level 5+: CTR: Low
  • Level 10: CTR: Medium

The Virulent Seedling is a 5-star bomb.


This small, dangerous plant has been weaponized by biotechs so that it spreads a cloud of toxic spores on detonation. Don't let the size fool you, it packs several kiloaudreys of power. — Tooltip


Basic Attack

Bombs do not have basic attacks, only charge attacks.

Charge Attack

  • Detonation Time: ~2 seconds
  • Radius: ~4 tiles

Movement speed is decreased by medium while using the charged attack. Detonation produces a damaging explosion with a small ~1.5 tiles radius which deals elemental damage and a cloud of mist with ~4 tiles. The cloud lasts for 5 seconds and has a good chance to inflict minor Poison on enemies that are in the bomb's range.


The following damage values represent the weapon at its completed level, without any UV or bonus from other equipment, and are listed as a range found from the first to last floor of each stratum.

 [hideVirulent Seedling's Damage Table
Stratum 1 Stratum 2 Stratum 3 Stratum 4 Stratum 5 Stratum 6
Versus Constructs and Undead
Explosion 37-43 51-57 96-104 110-117 173-217 239-266
Versus Slimes and Fiends
Explosion 32-35 39-42 76-78 79-80 128-160 174-184
Versus Beasts and Gremlins
Explosion 6-7 8-10 15-17 18-20 28-35 39-44


Obtained randomly from a Usable-FlowerTech Prize Box icon.png FlowerTech Prize Box.

Alchemy Path

Virulent Seedling's alchemy path
☆☆☆☆☆ ★☆☆☆☆ ★★☆☆☆ ★★★☆☆ ★★★★☆ ★★★★★
Virulent Seedling
Virulent Seedling


The Virulent Seedling was introduced during the FlowerTech Prize Box Promotion in August 2018.

This item is a reskin of the Venom Veiler.

See Also

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