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Problems were everywhere, people were leaving. A final counsel of the GMs and officers was held. They had to figure out what to do. If they didn't, the guild would die. Artistbma was so inactive, he couldn't work at full power to solve the problems. It seemed like all hope was gone. But then, Artistbma's friend, and former guildmate, came to him with an idea. An idea about a guild merge.  
The Guild Meeting Artistbma had called solved close to nothing. Problems were everywhere,and people were leaving. A final counsel of the GMs and officers was held. They had to figure out what to do. If they didn't, the guild would die. Artistbma was so inactive, he couldn't work at full power to solve the problems. It seemed like all hope was gone. But then, Artistbma's friend, and former guildmate, came to him with an idea. An idea about a guild merge.  

Revision as of 20:34, 20 March 2013

Aeternus Imortalitas
GuildLogo-Aeternus Imortalitas.png

Extreme Happiness; Everlasting

Guild Founder: Artistbma
Approx. Population: 107
Guild Master(s):
  • Artistbma
  • Kwarrior
  • Varmintwotwothree
Guild Officer(s):
  • Dammasta
  • Bluesupernovah
  • Steamu


About Us

Aeternus Imortalitas, Forever in Happiness, is a guild with friendly, active, and fun players. We are all tiers, so all you knights looking for a cool guild, sign up! We're not necessarily hardcore (Sorry, we don't do Shadow Lairs twice a day, people). Anyways, enjoy your stay and (hopefully) have fun!

Guild Roster

To Join

To join Aeternus Imortalitas, first we ask that you apply on our forums page here:


Next, contact a GM or Officer. They will interview you and figure out what you are like. Once the interview is done, you will be invited.

Check out our website too!


Have Fun

We want all our members to have a fun experience in Aeternus Imortalitas. If you have any problems, report them to a GM. They will take it into account and decide a solution.

Rules and Punishments

  • No Excessive Profanity. Will result in a warning, demotion, suspension, or expulsion depending on the magnitude of the act.
  • Be Friendly to Your Guildmates. Not following this rule will result in a warning, demotion, or kick depending on the magnitude of the act.
  • Try to Help Keep us a Good Reputation. Not following this rule will result in a warning or demotion based on the magnitude of the act.
  • Stay Active (Come on at least once every month). Will result in a warning or kick.


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