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Tokens are items that can be obtained in the Clockworks. They can be used to purchase items from the vendor Brinks in Haven and Moorcroft Manor. There are two kinds of tokens: those that you get from defeating boss monsters and those that you get from treasure boxes. You cannot trade tokens.

Similar to crowns and heat, each player in the party gets one token for each token that is picked up.

Boss Tokens

After a boss monster is defeated, 3-5 tokens are dropped. The following types of tokens can be obtained this way:

Boss Tokens
Token Description Boss
Token-Almirian Seal.png
Token-Bark Module.png No description is available for this token. Unknown
Token-Frumious Fang.png No description is available for this token. Unknown
Token-Jelly Gem.png Typically only carried by jelly royalty, these squishy gems are the official currency of the jelly kingdoms. Though highly prized by the slimes, most creatures simply eat them as they are quite delicious. Royal Jelly

Treasure Box Tokens

When a treasure box is broken, there is a slight chance that a token can be dropped. The following types of tokens can be obtained this way:

Token Description Dropped By
Token-Forge Spark.png Forge Spark: A small wisp of the essential of technology and progress. It is of extreme value to the Spiral Order. Take it to the Token Trader in the Haven Bazaar! Unknown
Token-Grim Spark.png Grim Spark: A small wisp of the essential spirit of darkness and decay. It is of extreme value to the Spiral Order. Take it to the Token Trader in the Haven Bazaar! Unknown
Token-Primal Spark.png Primal Spark: A small wisp of the essential spirit of nature. It is of extreme value to the Spiral Order. Take it to the Token Trader in the Haven Bazaar! Unknown

See Also

Personal tools