
From SpiralKnights

Revision as of 06:25, 19 November 2014 by Novaster (Talk | contribs)

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icon name = the filename of the item's icon image

official name = the full name of the entity as seen in-game

tooltip name = the filename of the item's tooltip (or in the case of creatures, overworld) image

description = the official description of the item as seen in the tooltip in-game.

DoR = Date of Release. We only use month and year for these, that's informative and takes up less space. Extra curious users can find information via the box info or patch notes.

notes = miscellaneous information such as date of release.

requirements = what Guild Hall Wing Expansions, Player Rank, etc. are needed to get the item.

acquisition = where to get the item from. Birdsong Emporium? A specific box? Supply Depot, during an event?

cost = cost to obtain in crowns, energy, tokens, etc. or just leave it blank if it's randomly from a box.

rotation = a value such as S, SWE, NSWE, ALL, or WANDERING. Indicates the cardinal directions a furniture can be rotated. Perhaps this is not extremely important information, but it is desired by several users.

Feel free to adjust these parameters into different sortable columns if users desire that anytime in the future.


<br/> puts in line breaks without breaking template or page. So does putting space into the entry field, but neither of these are recommended.


|tooltip name = Blue Lazy Snipe-Placed

|tooltip name = Green Winterfest Tree

"placed" simply means that the image is of the item in the overworld. We usually want the "placed" version for Creatures, since the tooltip view for creatures is a cage, and that's not very informative. Other furniture items use the tooltip. This is useful because information about the scale of the item is incorporated into the tooltip images of furniture.

EDIT SOON: replace "placed" with "overworld" to be consistent with accessories.


For pages of furniture families. Keeps things neat, organized, and informative. The number of variable plug-n-chug aspects is due to the large number of disambiguation pages in relation to furniture and other token/gear/etc. items, as well as whether or not the editor wishes to show a tooltip or overworld view, officially.

Notice that you get the description when you mouseover the icon or the image, giving a more in-game feel to the table, while saving space. Some item descriptions are very lengthy and make the table ugly, as with the obsidian obelisk items.

Same goes for the "icon" that is a wikiimage for this template, from incorporation of the FurnitureRotation template.

You can easily add in links with [[page title|text that appears]] or [URL|text that appears] without breaking the table.

If the table seems to be messing with the page alignment, stick {{clearleft}} after {{Table/end}}.



|icon name = Spiral Blue Bed
|official name = Spiral Blue Bed
|tooltip name = Spiral Blue Bed
|description = A comfy cot that's better than bunking in a bedroll.
|DoR = This item was introduced in November 2012.
|notes =
|requirements = Requires:<br/>[[Expansion (Guild Hall)|Either 1F Wing]]
|acquisition = Birdsong Emporium
|cost = 20,515 Crowns
|rotation = NSWE



Name Visual Rotation Acquisition Description & Notes
A comfy cot that's better than bunking in a bedroll.
This item can only be rotated to the North, South, West, or East. Requires:
Either 1F Wing

Birdsong Emporium

20,515 Crowns
This item was introduced in November 2012.

Description: A comfy cot that's better than bunking in a bedroll.

Another Example: emphasizing an overworld view:


|icon name = Cursed Nature Sprite
|official name = Cursed Nature Sprite
|tooltip name = Cursed Nature Sprite-Placed
|description = A spirit of nature willing to wander rather than follow the guide of the Spirit Mother.
|DoR = This item was introduced in July 2014.
|notes = It is a wandering [[Nature Sprite]].
|acquisition = [[Prize Box#Almire Furniture Box|Almire Furniture Box]]
|requirements =
|cost =
|rotation = WANDERING



Name Visual Rotation Acquisition Description & Notes
A spirit of nature willing to wander rather than follow the guide of the Spirit Mother.

Almire Furniture Box

This item was introduced in July 2014.

Description: A spirit of nature willing to wander rather than follow the guide of the Spirit Mother.

It is a wandering Nature Sprite.

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