Knights Of Equestria (Guild)

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Knights of Equestria
GuildLogo-Knights of Equestria.png

Love and Tolerance

Guild Founder: Espeonage,

Scootaloo (retired)

Approx. Population: 100 (Ain't that new!)
Guild Master(s):
Guild Officer(s):


Heh. 0wned. mad, d00d?

Looks like somepony was...


[And again, mail in the applications, applicants!]

- Your faithful guild, <Knights Of Equestria>

Mane Information

Like a baws

The chronologically oldest and one of the most grand Brony guilds in-game, KoE was founded during the special access weekend previous to the public release of Spiral Knights. The guild is indeed focused around the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic series, and though often full, we are definitely one of the friendliest guilds to be a part of.


Our aim here in KoE is to aid fellow guildies as they progress through the game, and of course, have fun! We've seen many members go from Tier 1 to conquerors of the Firestorm Citadel and beyond, many of which would have either gotten bored or quit had they never entered into the guild. Those who eventually succeeded the endgame content passed on their knowledge, help, and experiences to new fillies.

Along the way, we hope that you enjoy your time in the guild, and make many friends. As proven, friend-making is not just some silly nonsense, and there are some very kind-hearted members who are gems to know.



Some serious, some silly. For which is which, that is for you to know, and for us to find out ~

In general, they are mostly things that everypony agrees on.

Munky rarity.png
  • Be nice towards other guild members; bad behavior is not tolerated. Be brony-like!
  • Freeloading is strictly looked down upon - but we encourage helping each other out.
  • Selling between guild members is prohibited, though trading is fine. Loans between members are also acceptable.
  • "Jellah f0r mah t0ast?" and then all of you are on a Jelly run.
  • The Stranger at the Clockwork Terminal must be referred to as Bosco.
  • If Derpenstien offers you a muffin, it is advised that you take it. They taste rather delicious.
  • Punch Espeonage in a special way. Please consult Zettalux.
  • This, is Firejesus.
  • And this, is Firejezus.
  • What about Feye-R-G-Zues?

- It is strongly recommended that you type Bosco's list in guild chat whenever you reach him. -

Ranking System

Zetta Lux PP.png
  • Recruit - New guild members. They've just started, or haven't been cleared for T2 yet. If the previous does not apply; sans old members returning, all new guildies will have some pending time as a Recruit.
  • Member - Mild experience, and are able to participate in T2 runs. They can pull their own weight, or at least contribute. Has preferably been familiarized with the T2 setting.
  • Veteran - Your go-to members of the guild if you're in a pinch, or need someone advanced to lead your party. They are well experienced, and can be relied upon by others to pull a successful run/save. They are adaptable to a broad range of situations, and have preferably been familiarized with the T3 setting.
  • Officer - Shows promising leadership skills/abilities, and have been with the guild for a long time. Trustworthy and enjoyable, and are likely online often. They possess responsibility that warrants their position's power and moderation. If there's something you need pertaining to the guild, go to them.

- For Veteran and Officer promotions, the discretion of general guild members and higher officials is taken into consideration. -


For extras, bonuses and hidden power-ups!

Also things like screenshots and "this made me 20% cooler" moments.


Mane Composer: Zettalux

A lot of time on his hooves: Dr. Derpenstien


An easy-to-parse list of all of the guildies, concurrent Sept. 26. Information may become a bit staggered what with 'motions, revisions and whatnot.


If you're a member, feel free to share your mind, your experiences with us!

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