Royal Jelly Crown (Furniture)

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This article is about the furniture. For other uses, see Royal Jelly Crown (disambiguation).
Furniture-Royal Jelly Crown icon.png
Royal Jelly Crown
Furniture-Royal Jelly Crown.png


This item can only be rotated to the North, South, West, or East.

The Royal Jelly Crown is a furniture item that can be placed in a Guild Hall.


A jolly piece of jewelry formerly borne by the Royal Jelly himself. It is jauntily perched on a gelatinous pillow.


The alchemy cost for this furniture item is 75,000 crowns. Below are the materials needed to make the Royal Jelly Crown:

Name Amount
Crafting-Gel Core.png Gel Core 50
Crafting-Forbidden Fruit.png Forbidden Fruit 50
Crafting-Brute Core.png Brute Core 25
Crafting-Unstable Core.png Unstable Core 25
Furniture-Jelly Gem icon.png Jelly Gem 4

Icon-alert.png Components are deposited into the Guild Hall's Treasury.
Nothing can be withdrawn from a Treasury after it is deposited.


Royal Jelly Crown (Furniture)-Placed.png A Royal Jelly Crown (Furniture) Overworld view.


This furniture item can be rotated: North, South, West, and East.

This furniture item is not animated.

See Also

Trophy Furniture

Personal tools