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Punch, The Variant Smith


Punch is a twitchy Gremlin Variant Smith in the Bazaar district of Haven.

Punch provides a special service to knights, allowing them to acquire Unique Variants on items in exchange for crowns or Unique Variant tickets acquired from Forge Prize Boxes.


A Barbarous Thorn Blade that already has two Unique Variants is about to be transmuted with the first variant, Charge Time Reduction: Low, locked.

Punch allows knights to purchase "variant tickets" to apply unique variants to armor and weapons. The number of variants is guaranteed, unlike the random chance from crafting.

If the item being transmuted already has unique variants, the knight has the option to lock any of them. This will prevent them from being removed, as any variants that are not locked will be removed. Variants cannot be locked if the 1-variant ticket is chosen, only 1 variant can be locked if a 2-variant ticket is chosen, and 2 variants can be locked if a 3-variant ticket is chosen. Additionally, if an item already has a variant of a certain type that is locked, variant tickets will not generate another variant of that type(i.e., if a Charge Time Reduction: Low is locked, the item cannot receive another Charge Time Reduction of any strength).

Name Crowns
Use this ticket at the Variant Forge to reset an item's variants to 1 random variant. 1 Variant Ticket 20,000
Use this ticket at the Variant Forge to reset an item's variants to 2 random variants. 2 Variant Ticket 75,000
Use this ticket at the Variant Forge to reset an item's variants to 3 random variants. 3 Variant Ticket 225,000


Punch and Vise arrived along with the following disclaimer from Nick Popovich: "Punch and Vise wanted me to state for the record that they did not 'blow up' Vatel's recipe shop, but rather that it 'exploded while they were inside it.'"

This character can also be found in Punch & Vise's Workshop, which is a room that can be installed in Guild Halls.

Unlike Armor and Helmets, Punch will only add four UVs to a Shield: increased Normal defense, increased Elemental defense, increased Shadow defense, or increased Piercing defense. The only time a Shield can obtain a different UV is when crafting.

See also

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