
From SpiralKnights

Revision as of 10:24, 1 March 2013 by Acies (Talk | contribs)

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About Me

I'm a pretty laid back, very nice Male-Age 19. I always try to work things out in a mature way and try my best to help people out whenever I can.

Although people keep mistaking my name for Glacius, the weapon. My name is actually Latin for Ice or Cold. My original name, Acies which means Edge in Latin. (Yes, I have a fascination of Latin translations. Sue me.) However, the Username was already taken. So I decided to use Glacies instead. (Which actually has Acies in the name!)

I was the creator of the Guild Dark Impetus. Which was originally created for the sole purpose of running Shadow Lair. However, it never took off. I decided to pass my Guild down to someone I know. As I felt I wasn't doing a very good job at raising it.


(Missing a few things. Currently only using 4*-5* equipment)

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