Oilers in the Boilers

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Oilers in the Boilers is a Rank Mission to be completed as a Soldier (Rank 4). It consists of two levels that features Slimes.


Oilers in the Boilers on the Mission Interface.

Mission Rank: 4-2

Description: A boiler room beneath Moorcroft Manor has been overrun by a legion of oily slimes known as 'Oilers' that seem to enjoy fiery conditions. This could prove disasterous for any levels in close proximity should the slimes enter the boilers and cause an explosion.

Moorcroft Manor serves as an invaluable connection point into Tier 2 and its departed residents have been the most gracious of hosts. It is in Spiral HQ's best interest to send a squad in to deal with the smoldering slimes before they create a firestorm that seals off our access to Tier 2.

It is up to you to locate the oilers and remove them from the boilers!

Objective: Discover and destroy the source of the fiery slime invasion.



Mission Lobby (Depth 0)

The Hot Vents (Depth 9)

Just a normal Blast Furnace: Slimeway with the following monsters:


Smoldering Slime Source (Depth 10)

This level is a Lichenous Lair: Fiery Fusion with the following monsters:


See also

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