Homecoming Furniture

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Homecoming Furniture is a family of furniture items that players can use to decorate a Guild Hall.


Name Visual Rotation Acquisition Description & Notes
A simple display commemorating a knight's recruitment into the Spiral Order.

2012 Homecoming Celebration Log-in Reward
If Rank was at or between: 1-1 to 3-2


Description: A simple display commemorating a knight's recruitment into the Spiral Order.

This item was introduced in November 2012. It is a combination of an Honor Guard shield and an Honor Blade sword.
A fine display commemorating a knight's full acceptance into the Spiral Order.

2012 Homecoming Celebration Log-in Reward
If Rank was at or between: 4-1 to 6-2


Description: A fine display commemorating a knight's full acceptance into the Spiral Order.

This item was introduced in November 2012. Note: this furniture is a visual combination of a Great Honor Guard shield and two Tempered Honor Blade swords.

An elegant display commemorating a knight's promotion to the rank of Champion.

2012 Homecoming Celebration Log-in Reward
If Rank was at or between: 7-1 to 9-4


Description: An elegant display commemorating a knight's promotion to the rank of Champion.

This item was introduced in November 2012. It is a combination of a Mighty Honor Guard shield and an Ascended Honor Blade sword.
A magnificent display commemorating a knight's ascension to the highest echelon of the Spiral Order.

2012 Homecoming Celebration Log-in Reward
If Rank was Vanguard.


Description: A magnificent display commemorating a knight's ascension to the highest echelon of the Spiral Order.

This item was introduced in November 2012. It is a combination of an Exalted Honor Guard shield and a Lionheart Honor Blade sword.



Overworld views of these furniture items together:


  • This group of furniture items (containing 4 battle stands) was one of the first family of furniture items available to players.
  • These items were released along with these Release Notes.
  • Each Battle Stand is a visual combination of a shield and a sword - these shield and sword items were also released as gear rewards just for logging in during the Homecoming Celebration.
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