Celestial Nav Suit

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Revision as of 04:07, 26 November 2014 by Novaster (Talk | contribs)

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Celestial Nav Suit
Celestial Nav Suit-Equipped.png
Accessory Positions:

Icon-accessory-armor front.png  Icon-accessory-armor back.png  Icon-accessory-armor rear.png  Icon-accessory-armor aura.png  

  • Celestial Nav Suit isn't in a set.

The Celestial Nav Suit is a costume.The Celestial Nav Suit is a costume.


A special suit built to commemorate Isorian starfarers of old. With this equipped, you feel like you would never get lost in space...if only the Skylark could fly.



The Celestial Nav Suit is part of the Celestial Nav set:

See Also

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