Cloud Nine (Guild)

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Cloud Nine
GuildLogo-Cloud Nine.png

"a caelo usque ad centrum"

("from heaven all the way to the center of the earth")

Guild Founder: Ashiram
Approx. Population: 90
Guild Master(s):
  • Ashiram
Guild Officer(s):
  • Lapper
  • Khamsin
  • Nozip

Cloud Nine

About Us

<Cloud Nine> is a rising premier guild of Spiral Knights. Founded on November 14, 2011 - Our mission is to be at the forefront and leader of accomplishing Spiral Knight end-game content. We strive to master the Clockworks through improving ourselves continuously by learning and playing. We are open to casual and hardcore players alike. Rank advancement in the guild is based entirely on good character, teamworks in the Clockworks, and superior skill. Our members are self-sufficient and strong. We help each other out to reach goals and most importantly we have fun!

Cloud Nine means "bliss or a state of extreme happiness."


Act I: Inception Glory – Tales of Ashiram

In the beginning there was nothing but the endless void. On the fateful day of June 14, 2011, Ashiram was brought forth into the land of the Cradle. It was a time where wearing full Vog Cub Gear to be admired and price for 100 CE cost 3,000 crowns. Armed with his Proto gear, Ashiram struggled for several months scrapping just enough for his first 5-star weapon: Divine Avenger. Using Heavy Demo Gear as his default loadout, Ashiram toiled away painstakingly for weeks. A guild-less wanderer of humble origins, Ashiram happened upon a chance encounter that would forever alter his destiny...

Act II: Ascension Fire – Joining <Timeless>

On that fateful FSC run in September 2011, Ashiram met with the GMs of <Timeless>, Sg-Hotsauce and Electricmessiah. Out of all the players Ashiram had met up to that time, these players were on a class of their own in terms of skill and knowledge of the game. Ashiram's Shivermist Buster quickly won him the friendship of Sg-Hotsauce and Electricmessiah. While Ashiram did not immediately join <Timeless>, after a succession of FSC runs with the duo, Ashiram joined <Timeless>. And so began the humble rise of Ashiram...

Act III: Critical Mass – Ashiram ascends and the Exodus of <Timeless>

Coming Soon!

Act IV: Genesis Light – The Founding of <Cloud Nine>

Coming Soon!

Act V: New Hope – Early Days of <Cloud Nine>

Coming Soon!

Act VI: Triumphant Reign – <Cloud Nine> Today

Coming Soon!

News & Ongoing Events

Keep up to date with all the latest on what is happening with <Cloud Nine> !


Ongoing Events


Spiral Knight players who wish to join our guild, please read below for more information.

Why Join <Cloud Nine> ?

  • Dedicated GMs/Officers who work to advance our guild and its membership on a daily basis.
  • Skilled guild members you can trust to run with you on your missions into the Clockworks.
  • A community of mature and friendly players working together under a relaxed environment. There is no pressure to do anything you do not want to.
  • Rank advancement within the guild based entirely on skill and character. YOU decide how far you want to go!
  • Ongoing guild events, member benefits, and much more!

Recruiting Status

  • LIMITED (as of 12/28/11)


  • Applicants meeting the above requirements will be offered an invitation to join the guild with the rank of Recruit.
    • Exceptional applicants NOT meeting gear requirements are still encouraged to apply. A "Member Test" will be required immediately. Upon successful completion of "Member Test", applicant will be offered an invitation to join the guild with the rank of Member.
    • All recruits are subject to a FULL inspection by an Officer/GM.

How to Apply

  • Fill out an application on our guild recruiting post on the Official Spiral Knights forums. Click here to apply.
  • Contact an Officer or GM of <Cloud Nine> and request an audience for a short interview.

Rank System

Cloud Nine's rank system is structured with rigorous tests to ensure that the BEST of our guild have the opportunity and chance to be promoted in a FAIR and EQUAL method. Each rank will denote your experience and skill within the guild. Ranks will carry guild benefits as well. Ranks are achieved through taking and passing our "Rank Tests".

  • Please note that you are NOT required to take ANY sort of test if you do not wish to.

Ranks Descriptions & Benefits

Promotions - Rank Tests

  • All guild players are eligible for promotion up to the rank of Officer at any time by taking a "Rank Test".
  • Requests for "Rank Test" must be made to an online Officer/GM.
  • Guild member actions in following Rules & Guidelines will be taken in consideration for promotion as well.
  • Tester may request server closest to their location to ensure best latency for "Rank Test".
  • Before beginning each "Rank Test", a brief explanation may be required for chosen loadout.
  • Tester may ask any questions pertaining to the "Rank Test" before the test. After the start, Tester may not ask for assistance or hints.
  • "Rank Tests" will be graded upon the entirety of the run (solo sections & non-solo sections) to assess both skill (solo) and teamwork (non-solo).
  • All promotions/invites by Officers require in-game mail to GM for final approval (unless a GM is present).
  • 2-day waiting period before retaking any test.

In-Guild Trade - Recipes & Materials

  • We have a Google Document that lists recipes and materials that guild members needs. This is for in-guild trading to help each other ONLY (if you seek profit, look elsewhere).
  • If you wish to participate, please contact Suprvoo or Cheshireccat for access.

Rules & Guidelines

As with most guilds, we have general rules and guidelines:

  • Do not spam the guild chat.
  • Do not beg (mock begging however is allowed).
  • Contribute meaningfully to the guild chat by offering jumps, runs, and recipes. We are here to help each other!
  • Treat all other players with respect and honor.
  • If you plan on taking a break or vacation, please inform the GM.
  • By some chance you feel lost, go to Haven 9. That's our "home" Haven.
  • Guild chat will be spoken in English. If you wish to use a different language, use /tell or carry your conversation elsewhere.
  • <Cloud Nine> members are allowed one character to be guild tagged. Alts are not allowed without GM approval. Alts will be the first to be removed in the event of population cap.
  • Former <Cloud Nine> members are allowed to be re-invited back to the guild ONCE with the rank of Recruit and ONLY with GM approval. Consideration of factors will be taken in account. Future re-invitations will NOT be considered except in exceptional circumstances.
  • <Cloud Nine> is not responsible for any trades/loans between guild members. We do however ask that you honor your agreements.
  • Rank structure will be adhered to. Continually disrespecting a guild member of a higher rank will not be tolerated.

Activity Requirements

  • Due to our guild size and membership cap at 100 players, the success of <Cloud Nine> rests on the activity of the guild. Inactive guild members do not contribute to the guild and take up a valuable slot which may be otherwise used for new members. Guild members unable to provide a minimum activity level as stated below will may be REMOVED from the guild if a slot is required for a new recruit. Audits will take place monthly by the GM.
    • Guild members will be required to have "Last Log-in Date" no greater than the following per rank:
      • Recruit: 1 week
      • Member: 2 weeks
      • Veteran: 3 weeks
      • Officer: 1 month
    • Guild members that need to take a break from the game for whatever reason or go on vacation may request a leave-of-absence from the GM. The GM will approve leave-of-absences brought to his attention. Guild member will be granted 1 month protection. Guild member must renew leave-of-absence at the end of the month. If guild member feels extended leave is necessary or will be in the future, please send an email to Ashiram. Considerations will be made based on request.

Demotions/Removal from the Guild

  • Demotions/Removals will be handled on a case-by-case basis due to behavior, activity, and proficiency of a member. Guild members with grievances with another guild member will be dealt with accordingly. At least 1 Officer/GM is required to put forth motion for demotion/removal. Consultation of ALL current Officers/GM and parties involved are required for demotion/removal with GM approval required except in severe cases (i.e. spamming guild chat over and over) which require immediate action. In an event of a removal/demotion, an in-game email will be required to be sent to all Officers/GMs informing of situation.


As a current member of <Cloud Nine>, we are open to any and all suggestions to improve the guild. Please forward your suggestions to your nearest Officer/GM with an in-game mail. The guild is created for you. We will work hard for you to make it as great an experience for you as possible!

  • Please note that the terms and conditions above are subject to change at any time with/without notice for the betterment of the guild and its members.

Q&A with the GM Ashiram

  • Q: "Why did you create <Cloud Nine>?"
  • A: "I founded <Cloud Nine> with the purpose of providing a high-quality experience and mature environment for Spiral Knight players who strive to improve themselves on a daily basis. Our guild rank system enforces that by rewarding those who demonstrate the skills needed to survive in the Clockworks from Tier 1 all the way to Shadow Lair."
  • Q: "OMG, Your tests are too hard... why do we have to solo things? This game is about teamworks too! Omg I am so noob. Like OMG!"
  • A: "You are under no obligation to take ANY of our "Rank Tests". Recruits can always ask Veterans and above for tips. But most people like to think they know everything. The "Rank Tests" are designed to push our members to become better players and to demonstrate they have what it takes to EARN a rank. I am always learning something new everyday. I'm not the best by any means. I keep an open mind and absorb information. You think these tests are hard? Shadow runs are SEVERAL times harder than what we put our members through. A good player can beat the odds, not hide behind them. Keep in mind that during "Rank Tests", the non-solo sections (i.e. Teamwork) are taken into consideration as well. In the end though, if you can't cut it or won't cut it, then don't join."
  • Q: "Why is <X> Officer so mean to me?!"
  • A: "You must have misunderstood. If your feelings get hurt easily because we tell you something you don't like to hear but really it happens to be important such as Gear Loadouts for Shadow runs, then don't join. We are not here to "carry" you and hold your hand. We are here to help you learn to become a better player. Do your own homework. If you can't handle a few words about how you need to gear properly for runs or defend your noob gear selection then join another guild."
  • Q: "Hi Ash! Remember me? I am your best friend/brother/wife/insert x! Can I be an Officer? Oh btw, I have friends can they join too?"
  • A: "All Spiral Knight players who wish to join the guild must go through our process. We do not do "guild merges" or "package deals". Each and every person will be evaluated individually and equally. In extremely RARE cases will exceptions can be made with GM approval. Those are few and very far between. In other words, do not expect any special treatment."
  • Q: "Oh no! I just failed a Rank test. I'm going to cry now and leave the guild. Why did you let me do the test when I asked you?"
  • A: "Really? Are you serious? You ASKED for a Rank test. We are here to learn and improve. The point is to learn from your mistakes and get better. You think everyone passes their first Driver's test or scores a touchdown the first time they play football? Why do we fall? So we can learn to pick ourselves back up. If you have that attitude where you give up on the first try, you will never get anywhere in life. I'm not perfect. No one is. Keep your head up, and handle it."

<Cloud Nine> Guild Roster

  • Only Member rank and above are honored by being named on our guild roster.

Guild Screenshots

Coming Soon!

Personal tools