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Revision as of 06:52, 5 April 2012 by HexZyle (Talk | contribs)

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Excuse me, but I was wanting to add the training cubes from the Advanced Training Hall. Where should I put them?--XTUX345 18:57, 7 June 2011 (UTC)

I'd have to say they would fall under construct, but they don't really follow the same weakness/strength pattern. Maybe they should get their own little section near the bottom of the page? Nothing fancy because they're uncommon enemies... but the completionist in me wants to see them listed here. --BlueBead 16:07, 11 June 2011 (UTC)

Shouldn't Vanaduke fall under that catagory as well? --Zardica 19:25, 21 June 2011 (UTC)

Maybe a seperate page could be made for Shufflebots and Vanaduke? Like the ??? Family? :S --Zardica 18:30, 2 September 2011 (UTC)

What family would the swarm creatures fall under, or would they have their own family? --Kazamh 20:17, 23 October 2011 (UTC)

From what I noticed, it seems the Swarm Seed is weak to piercing and resistant to Shadow, so it might be a fiend - I haven't actually confirmed this with damage bonuses or anything though. But considering how unique The Swarm is, it might aswell have it own family section. --Kakelgis 17:03, 25 October 2011 (UTC)

shouldn't we add Impostoclaus and drones?


Drones are not part of any monster family. Read this on the patch notes. --Dark-Fantasy 10:50, 21 December 2011 (UTC)

We need more Beasts.

Chromalisks and Wolvers just isn't enough for me. It would be cool to have a Beast unique to Spiral Knights.


Gremlin family

I like that the gremlin series is split up into individual pages on each gremlin type. Before all the gremlins were lumped into 1 page.--SpiralMike 01:12, 6 March 2012 (UTC)

Creep Cakes

So......where do Creep Cakes go?

  • Large ones deal piercing damage and small ones deal normal damage, so they are somewhat similar to jellies (they use the same model too) BUT they are neutral to all shadow damage... Confectionery Family? But seriously I have no idea. Story-wise they could fall into Fiends family (cupcakes possessed by dark spirits because Dark Matter were used in the process of baking) Merethif 21:29, 4 April 2012 (UTC)
Actually, the large ones still do pure normal even in tier 3, they just show a yellow attack windup, probably because it was copypasted from jellies. Anyway, they don't belong to a monster family along with the swarm, drones and Vanaduke. I may as well fix that incorrect placement while I'm at it although someone will inevitably move Vanaduke to some family he doesn't belong in again. ~Katmint 00:20, 5 April 2012 (UTC)
I suppose lost souls would be considered untyped too. I tried to open a discussion on which family they belonged in, but it hasn't gotten any responses yet, so I assumed nobody really cared. Also, what of shufflebots? Jimbo Jambo 03:32, 5 April 2012 (UTC)
Shufflebots are construct, due to their construct UV weakness. Whisps, Shankles, and Lost Souls are all Drones because they are level hazards and drop no rewards, but no type is fine too. Someone should test creep cakes with Slime UVs. --HexZyle 06:52, 5 April 2012 (UTC)
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