There are parts of this level that aren't required to be completed in order to reach the exit elevator.
This level contains most of its treasure boxes behind Energy Doors. You need to pay energy to enter these areas. The level can be completed without the need to pay.
: This level's Danger Room can prove to be one of the more dangerous ones found within the Clockworks. Due to how lichens work the game considers the current wave to be defeated once all of its lichens have merged and spawns the next wave where the same thing can happen if no action is taken to stop it. This can quickly overwhelm players. Keeping a lichen alive in a corner away from other enemies while you deal with the rest of the wave may help. The slooms do not need to be defeated to spawn the next wave.
Map of Meteor Mile II.
One of the energy doors in this level.
The entrance to the danger room.
The area inside the danger room.
The rewards after defeating all the monsters of the danger room.
One of the Mecha Turrets you can pay for inside the danger room.