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Name: Zeeca
Known As: Zeeca, Zee, The little king, The recruit!
Guild: Exalt
Playstyle: Hybrid Swordsman


Zeeca or Zee to his friends, awoke at the crash site on August the 3rd and using only the proto survival kit he made it to the first safe zone, the rescue camp, from there he got his first taste of the dangers ahead and after that he ventured off in search of Haven, after encountering some horrible monsters Zee managed to reach Haven. In this safe place he earned crowns for some basic equipment, a striker sword, blast bomb and a fiery atomizer, no wonder he went for bombs since Zee loves a big boom, he used a magic helm and a wolver coat for a armor set and a owlite was his shield choice. Looking like a granny like he did ( LOL ) he managed to get a invite to a guild of nice people a guild called Exalt and he never left till this very day. First time this knight saw Snarbolax he didn't stop killing it over and over again until he met the jelly king, that became his new obsession. Later on Exalt's guild master Mytagforhalo took him to the new monsters in the clockworks, the mighty Roamulus twins and helped him defeat them but it wasn't till this knight met a person called Soulvirus till he ever saw lord Vanaduke in person and defeated him thanks to Soul's great leadership skills and will to finance the multiple amount of revives that occurred. After the first time he defeated Vanaduke it wasn't long till he earned his Fang of Vog or as he used to call it " The JK Killer ". This knight was a bomber, then a swordsman that always had a bomb on a side, then that bomb turned to a gun and lately this knight has been using nothing but guns. Using all weapons and trying all play styles Zee became highly skilled with all weapons but prefers using a sword mostly. Where ever he went he was accompanied with his trusty friend Sagara, the two of them combined their skill and equipment to defeat bosses and survive the harsh clockworks levels, when a gun was needed Sagara would take care of that and if a bomb was needed, that would be Zee's time to shine, together they were a dream team and together they made it to full 5 star equipment and defeated all bosses multiple times. Not long ago Mytagforhalo promoted Zee to a guild master rank in his beloved Exalt and never regretted ( hopefully ) Zee now owns most of the in game inventory and has tried and done it all multiple times, he enjoys doing all runs, bosses, arenas, shadow lairs and loves to help out anywhere.


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