From SpiralKnights

Rhendon in the Rescue Camp
"I have a feeling we might be stuck on this planet for quite some time, so we might as well see what we can do to help." — Rhendon
Rhendon is a Recon Knight tasked with helping knights who have survived the crash of the Skylark, guiding them to the Rescue Camp and on to Haven.
Rhendon first appears to the player via comlink; after meeting Rhendon on the Crash Site, the player is sent ahead to the Rescue Camp. Rhendon heads a number of tutorials before reuniting with the player in Crossing the Chasm, assisting them in reaching Haven. A bit later, Rhendon has a small role accompanying the player into the first depths of the Battle Sprites missions. He appears again in mission Rank 4-2 "A New Threat".
Dialogue and Location
- gradual format changes needed another template name, has been replaced with Template:Dialogue/Showhide
- Rhendon's personal color is red.
- His helmet is a slightly modified version of Spiral Demo Helm and has Helm Guards.
- He wears a checkered crest similar to the one worn by Barrus, which matches his shield.
- In Mission 1-4 "Crossing the Chasm", Missions 2-2, and Mission 4-2 "A New Threat", Rhendon is seen holding the Blitz Needle.
- He is a recruiter for the Scarlet Scouts.[1]