The Rescue Camp is a region. Regions categorize levels with similar characteristics that have been incorporated into the Clockworks.
The Rescue Camp serves as a refuge for newly dropped Spiral Knights. It offers a few creature comforts as well as a training facility to prepare recruits for their journey to Haven. — Gate Icons
There is no power available when a knight first arrives after exiting the Crash Site and the camp is initially left defenseless.
It is a multi-tiered area filled with boxes of haphazardly arranged supplies and shelter, the terrain covered in a strange mix of metal and stonework.
Knights are welcomed to the camp by Squad Leader Greta, who brings new knights up to speed on the situation.
Recon Knight Rhendon runs knights through a few basic tutorials with knights while they are stationed in the camp, and assigns them missions to help defend the area.
Technicians and Geo Knights are at work around the camp, analyzing the readings coming from the Clockworks.
Recruits and injured knights are gathered in a circle of drop-pods set up around a fire pit while waiting for the generator to be brought on-line. Knights can find out more about what's going on by talking to this mix of knights.
Some Injured Knights are sitting close to the crash pods resting, two Technicians are helping with the camp's defenses, a Geo Knight are investigating the surroundings, the three Veteran Knights and three Recruits are in keeping guard of the camp.
Forge Knight
At the entrance of the camp.
Offers some information about the forge and leveling equipment.
At the entrance of the camp.
Offers some information about the situation at the camp.
At the center of the map, close to the fireplace.
Guide you thought the missions.
Spiral Warden
At the top of the map near the elevator.
Camp unpowered: At the entrance of the hallway to the elevator.
Camp with power: At the top of the map near the elevator.
Warns you about the chasm.
Cradle is a dangerous world and it's important to make sure you have powerful gear in your arsenal in order to survive. To do that, you will need to use the Forge.
The Forge uses the heat stored in your gear and combines it with the power of Fire Crystals to unlock its new potential.
In town, you can access the Forge at any time. In the Clockworks, you can access it by using an Arsenal Station.
When using the Forge, you will see a list of any items that are ready to level up. Selecting an item will show you how it can be enhanced.
Each item will require a specific type of Fire Crystal. Fire Crystals can be obtained from the Supply Depot, earned by completing certain missions, and found in treasure blocks in the Clockworks!
- How do Fire Crystals work?
Fire Crystals are somewhat unstable and there's a chance that the forging attempt will fail. However, we've found that by adding more Fire Crystals you can increase the chance that the item will be forged successfully.
On top of that, the more Fire Crystals you add, the higher chance there is for special bonuses to be applied to the item!
Now that you know about the Forge, would you like to give it a look?
- Sure! (Open the Forge)
- I'll look at it later. (End conversation)
I'm collecting geological samples for Spiral HQ. So far my tests are identifying hundreds of unique soil samples within every inch of the ground below our feet. This can't be possible, I must have miscalculated...
As the player approaches the camp:
Greetings, I'm squad leader Greta. You must be PLAYERNAME. Rhendon said we should be expecting you, and not a moment to soon. This Rescue Camp is facing a crisis.
- What's the problem, Greta?
In short, this camp has no power and the sun is setting soon. Last night all manners of horrible monsters came after us in the dark. We couldn't see and had no power for our defensive turrets.
...we lost a lot of recruits.
We need to channel power to the Rescue Camp so that we can set up a defensive perimeter before night falls!
- How can I help channel power to the camp?
Our scans have located an ancient generator below this camp. It should be sending power to the surface, but something seems to be diverting it.
We need you to go investigate the ancient generator and divert power back to the surface. But you'll need to be ready - it's completely uncharted territory and teeming with monsters.
Rhendon said he wanted to meet up with you before you take on this mission. Why don't you see him first?
- I'll meet up with Rhendon before I investigate the generator. (Ends Dialogue)
If spoken to again after dialogue is over:
Please PLAYERNAME, help us restore power to the Rescue Camp so that we can set up a defensive perimeter. We cannot afford to lose any more recruits to the creatures of the night!
- I'll do my best! (Ends Dialogue)
After completing the 1-2
Mission: The Ancient Generator and the camp is powered.
You've restored the power and saved us all, PLAYERNAME! I can't thank you enough, all these recruits owe you their lives.
You should now try to contact Spiral HQ via your comlink.

Injured Knight (nameless 1)
Last night terrible monsters attacked us in the darkness. It was utter chaos. With no power for the turrets we couldn't defend ourselves.
So many brave Knights lost...
After completing the 1-2
Mission: The Ancient Generator and the camp is powered.
Thanks to you we will not have to face another night like the last...

Injured Knight (nameless 2)
One of those mechanical monsters got me. The cursed thing's claws tore right through my armor!
After completing the 1-2
Mission: The Ancient Generator and the camp is powered.
With the power restored, I was able to mend my armor. Let's hope I don't run into too many of those monstrous rust buckets again!
Can you believe this? This entire chasm is filled with a giant machine of some kind. It seems to go down forever.
I wonder if the entire planet is like this?
After completing the 1-2
Mission: The Ancient Generator and the camp is powered.
They say you're going to travel down this elevator and into the chasm below. You're a heck of a lot braver than I am...
Not much equipment has been salvaged from the crash pods. There's not even enough here for each able-bodied Knight.
After completing the 1-2
Mission: The Ancient Generator and the camp is powered.
I can feel the electricity in the air! Looks like we won't be making our final stand tonight after all!
We may not have power, but the least I can do is get a fire going to provide a little light tonight.
After completing the 1-2
Mission: The Ancient Generator and the camp is powered.
Between the warmth of the fire and the safety of the defensive turrets, I think I'll sleep well tonight.
When arriving at the Rescue Camp, Rhendon's dialogue is the same as 1-1
Mission: Should You Choose to Accept. After the player completes the 1-2
Mission: The Ancient Generator, The Artifact is next to Rhendon in the Rescue Camp. He says:
What the heck do you think this thing is, PLAYERNAME? Must be important if that Razwog guy got so bent out of shape when you snatched it.
Serves him right for trying to kill you and all!
Always be on your guard. Who knows what other dangers await us on this world?
This thing is useless without power. How are we supposed to defend ourselves from those monsters?!
According to these scans there should be some kind of power source in the depths below the camp, but it's being diverted somehow...
After completing the 1-2
Mission: The Ancient Generator and the camp is powered.
Power has come surging back to the camp! You did it, PLAYERNAME!

Veteran Knight (nameless 1)
Thanks for the help earlier. Stay safe!

Veteran Knight (nameless 2)
I won't be able to relax until we've linked up with Spiral HQ.
This walkway leads right out over a massive chasm. Don't want you getting blown off into the oblivion below.
- Why is this walkway here then?
It seems to lead to some kind of elevator, but with no power, the whole thing is just dead.
After completing the 1-2
Mission: The Ancient Generator and the camp is powered.
Hail, PLAYERNAME. When you restored power to the camp, this elevator powered on as well. I imagine it will take you down deep into the chasm below and what you will find there is anyone's guess.
If your aim is to travel down into those depths, ensure that you are ready to face whatever is waiting for you.
There are two instances of this area. One is unpowered and the other is powered. Access to the powered instance is gained after completing the 1-2
Mission: The Ancient Generator.
The passage to the north is guarded by Spiral Warden Virgil, who warns recruits that the walkway ahead reaches out over a massive chasm. There is an inoperative elevator at the end of the walkway, from which knights can see the clockworks grinding away through a gaping hole in the earth. This elevator cannot be used until power has been restored to the camp.
The special loading screen for this area unpowered.
Map of the Rescue Camp: Before Night Falls.
A look into the camp unpowered.
Map of the Rescue Camp: Light in the Darkness.
The camp after the power is restored.
See Also