Sup? I'm CobaltMoon (better known as Jandalf). I will add a picture of myself without the play time, with when I started playing when they've fixed the issues with uploading new versions of pics. Until then, ogle and stare!
- Next order of business: Ask Siralac about starting a guild bank and guild academy.
Construction Zone
- Finish the Dream Arsenal
- Redo the pic of Jandalf (once they've fixed the upload file prolem [if they ever do] )
Jandalf's Blog
Okay, recently, I've been getting swarmed by beggars who saw the 3 SK videos I put on Youtube. They kept begging me for crowns and CE. Oddly enough, they must have downloaded the videos, though, because I closed my account. I don't plan on reopening it anytime soon, due to my laggy netbook, which has a tiny processor.
Major Achievements
- 1. Second in command to Siralac in the Guild Knights of Blacktide.
- 2. Defeated Snarbolax at least 30 times.
- 3. Bought CE before it became 7,000 crowns.
- 4. Signed up for Newsletter.
- 5. Defeated the Royal Jelly Boss 6 times.
- 6. Caused entire crowds of people to roll around on the floor laughing out loud. =)
- 7. Defeated the Roarmulus Twins Boss twice.
- 8. Heralded as the nicest knight since December 9th(according to Havens 1, 3, 4, 6, and 9).
- Sorry about the suckish Achievements.
- Nothing to see here, folks!
Dream Arsenal
Hidden Knight: My very own game!
- If you have several knights, please, don't enter all of them. It's not fair if one player gets all the rewards.
- If you didn't win, don't ask me if I can add another prize. This will be counted as bribing, and I will ignore you.
- Don't bribe me. I'll take your stuff, but won't do anything. So, don't bribe me, because then you have a reason to report me to the Game Masters for scamming, and frankly, I like this game.
- If you didn't win, and I tell you no, don't report me. I didn't do anything wrong.
- If I'm in your guild or friends list, please, don't just join me. Look at what Haven I'm in, then go to that haven if you want to play.
- I'll post on the forums what day the game is on, where it is (not where I'm hiding, which Haven I'll be in), and what the prizes are.
- If you read my forum post, don't start searching for me before I say GO over the zone channel.
- If you ignore the rule above, and find me before the game even starts, I will go to my guildhall, and the game will be delayed for several minutes while I wait you out.
- Please, do not tell me to do a game, as that will simply ensure that I won't do it for several months.
- The first player to find me gets first picks.
- The second player to find me picks from whatever's left.
- It goes on like this, until all my prizes are gone.
- The first player to find me gets the best materials.
CE (Crystal Energy) Edition
- The first player to find me wins 300 CE.
- The second player to find me wins 200 CE.
- The third player to find me wins 100 CE.
- The fourth player to find me wins 50 CE.
- The first player to find me wins 2,000 Crowns.
- The second player to find me wins 1,500 Crowns.
- The third player to find me wins 1,000 Crowns.
- The fourth player to find me wins 500 Crowns.
- The fifth player to find me wins 250 Crowns.
- The sixth player to find me wins 100 Crowns.
On occasion, I'll do a special friends edition, where only friends can enter, or a special guild edition, where only guildmates can enter.
User Page Updates 1.0 - 1.9
- Added a blurb about me, Jandalf's gear, and info about my not at all famous game show, Hidden Knight.
- Fixed the Sprial Scale Mail's name.
- Put the prizes into seperate sections of Hidden Knight edition headlines.
- Put each of the Knight's stuff into seperate categories.
- Added links to some of the fourm sections, will add the rest later tonight.
- Added links to the user pages that probably have the best looking stuff on them (also probably the two most powerful knights in the game).
- Fixed Biznasty's user link. Sorry about not knowing your username!
- Fixed some grammar problems on the page, checked out the formatting for Biznasty's page, learned how to make seperate lines.
- Added the rest of the links to the forum threads.
- Put in links to 2 great ideas for Spiral Knights.
User Page Updates 2.0 - 2.9
- Reformatted so that now the links to the 2 best players in Spiral Knights say only their names.
- Added the Heat Levels of my gear. Now you know exactly how strong or weak my gear is!
- Changed "Gear" to "Arsenal", added a Costumes section, and edited the placement of some of the sections to match the arsenal menu in Spiral Knights.
- Organized my arsenal by name, alphabetical order.
- Added a picture of Jandalf and Karonastar (checked out Pueo's page to see how it worked. Don't worry, I didn't change anything!!!), and added Karonastar's gear.
- Removed Karonastar's arsenal.
- Removed pic of Jandalf & Karonastar, added pic of Jandalf. Next order of business: Add the weapon icons to each weapon!!!
- Added the weapon/UV icons for my swords, will add the rest later tonight, after I make myself a brand new Prismatech Alchemer.
- Added the weapon/UV icons for the rest of my arsenal, and saved some space on my user page by adding a table of my arsenal.
- Merged the Level 2 Headlines on my Hidden Knight Section into one small table.
User Page Updates 3.0 - 3.9
- Merged the Level 2 Headlines on my Forums Section into another small table. Yet again, not enough crowns to make a Prismatech Alchemer...
- As you can see, I added a table for my User Page updates.
- Added a link to my guild, Knights of Blacktide.
- Added links to the three bosses I've defeated.
- Added an unneccessary pic of the mineral that happens to be my favorite color.
- Added an unneccessary pic of my favorite of the personal colors.
- Categorized my arsenal.
- Added what accessory is on which piece of armor. Of course, there's only one, for now...
- Added Jandalf's blog, will add the pic that goes with it later on.
- Removed links to Magnus' and Biznasty's pages. They get enough pageviews already, without me helping them!
- Swapped my old pic setup for a template.
User Page Updates 4.0 - 4.9
- Added a dream arsenal, haven't added anything to it yet.
- Added the swords to the dream arsenal.
- Added the handguns to the dream arsenal.
- Added a Construction Zone section.
- Added the "How I Play" section.
- Removed the "How I Play" section, it screwed up the rest of the page.