Obsidian Hood of Devotion

From SpiralKnights

Revision as of 06:07, 4 November 2013 by HexZyle (Talk | contribs)

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Obsidian Hood of Devotion
Obsidian Hood of Devotion-Equipped.png
Defense and Status resistance bars tell you different things. The number of segments don't represent the same low, medium, high, etc. values. See the Defense and Abilities pages for details.

Boosts and Penalties are both considered "abilities" in general. Some items have additional health as a special "ability," giving more health pips than most items. Many items don't have any special abilities. See the Abilities page for details.

This item doesn't have any special abilities.

Health Pips:
Health Benefits, or the number of "pips," can increase with heat level for many items. Depth in the clockworks influences health behavior - see the Health page for details.

Accessory Positions:

Icon-accessory-helmet side.png  Icon-accessory-helmet front.png  Icon-accessory-helmet back.png  

  • Obsidian Hood of Devotion isn't in a set.

The Obsidian Hood of Devotion is a {{{star}}}-star helmet.


Wrap thy self in my embrace and succumb to my infinite love. Let your breath drift from you like candle smoke, dreaming deeper and deeper still.


Armor Set

The other items in this set are:

See Also

Primary, Secondary, Tertiary colors

This page is a special category page. Please do not try to edit it to add entries. The correct way to add things to the page is to use a category tag. Please see the style guide for the appropriate category tags and how to use them.

About Categories

  • This category is "special" because it uses a numeric ordering system to help players find items easily. Most categories are not organized this way.
  • Some templates automatically add categories for you.
  • Italicized links indicate pages that are redirected, likely to a list page with similar items.


Items in this category are themed and/or directly styled with the "Heavy" color pattern. This color pattern is in the "Standard" color pattern group.

This color pattern has been in the game for quite some time.

This color pattern is associated with the following special effect(s):


The following chart clarifies the special category organization of the pages listed below.

Item Organized With Icon
Accessory images
Costume (helmet) 1
Costume (armor) 2
Helmet 3
Armor 4
Shield 5
Bomb 6
Handgun 7
Sword 8
Battle sprite 9
Icon-battle sprite.png
Misc M
Personal tools