Color Pattern
From SpiralKnights
A Color Pattern is a set of three colors known as primary, secondary, and tertiary. This page is a list of patterns used in Spiral Knights to "style" or "theme" items and other entities.
The terms "color style," "color theme," and "color pattern," as well as many others can be confusing. To clarify:
- "Style": Seen in the official tooltip description of various prize boxes in-game. It is a good term, but is difficult to use uniformly for all items that use a named coloration because items are often "styled" with a color pattern, but also use other color codes, so style gets mixed up with "theme" quite frequently.
- "Theme": An item is themed with a color pattern if it uses one or more colors in a color pattern. It is possible for items to be themed with more than one color pattern.
- "Pattern": a set of three color codes that are easily distinguished by the naming convention and/or behavior of several items.
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Name | 🌈 | Primary, Secondary, Tertiary | SFX | Group | DoR | Notes |
Proto | G | ??? | ??? | ??? | misc | ??? | Used for starter weapons and certain shields. Associated with the Newsletter. | |
Cool | B | 356ca9 | 6e7c96 | 374f58 | standard | ??? | ||
Dusky | Pu | 5f678f | 416f78 | 2a286e | standard | ??? | ||
Fancy | Pu | 7969b7 | 434177 | 252b51 | standard | ??? | ||
Heavy | Br | 656694 | 7e1c15 | 563429 | standard | ??? | ||
Military | G | af7f6c | 3e8476 | 1b3449 | standard | ??? | ||
Regal | Y | c5922d | 82822b | 26365e | standard | ??? | ||
Toasty | R | ab1726 | 8c573c | 263e4f | standard | ??? | ||
Prismatic | "All" | Personal Color | 8c8c8c | 404040 | Glowing | special | ??? | |
Cobalt | Gy | 9BADC5 | 979F9F | 7A323C | misc | ??? | Associated with NPCs: Spiral Order. | |
Divine | W | c69476 | a0a9c7 | 4d657b | Shining | special | ??? | |
Volcanic | R | 6d192f | b0212c | 32233e | Burning | special | ??? | Associated with status: Fire. |
Shadow | Bl | 4c324d | 173b6f | 12243c | Shedding | special | ??? | Often has a glowing orange associated with it. |
Game Master | Pu | 564487 | 2B2025 | AAA4A6 | misc | ??? | Only used by Grey Havens staff. | |
Hunter | G | 5f7413 | aaaa00 | 1b3449 | recolor | 9 August 2012 | ||
Surge | R | 6d192f | 173b6f | 252b51 | recolor | 12 September 2012 | ||
Hallow | O | c75a00 | 990d00 | 403420 | recolor | 17 October 2012 | Associated with event: Dark Harvest Festival. | |
Frosty | W | 8fbbcc | 366599 | 2e5166 | recolor | 12 December 2012 | Associated with status: Freeze. | |
Storm | Y | F7E38D | BECDC9 | 333D44 | Sheen | special | 22 May 2013 | Associated with thunder and lightning. |
Dangerous | W | CFCCC8 | 373031 | FFCD9F | Adamant | special | 25 September 2013 | Associated with NPCs: Recon Rangers. |
Polar | W | 1d3550 | a2d0ee | 2e5166 | recolor | 11 December 2013 | Very black/white "polar" colors with an associated teal blue. | |
Ancient | G | 406067 | 438964 | 2c4262 | recolor | 26 February 2014 | Associated with event: March of the Tortodrones. | |
Celestial | B | B9C8A9 | 5D6F6F | ??? | Filmy | special | 14 March 2014 | Associated with event: Equinox. The "body" of most celestial items is a special textured blue. |
Lovely | P | ed5877 | 9dc8c4 | 720606 | recolor | 16 April 2014 | Associated with holiday: Valentine's Day. | |
Rage | R | E24B3B | BECDC9 | 333D44 | Sheen | special | 4 June 2014 | Associated with thunder and lightning. |
Hazardous | R | e51d17 | 59554e | 3b353e | Adamant | recolor | 29 October 2014 | Associated with NPCs: Scarlet Scouts. Items also glow and shed a red mist. |
Vile | Pu | 2f2f91 | 499130 | 32233e | Shedding | recolor | 12 November 2014 | Associated with status: Poison. |
Glacial | O | 73c0ff | c66a2c | 202c4d | recolor | 7 January 2015 | ||
Electric | P | a62161 | 3ba48b | 1e315e | recolor | 4 February 2015 | Associated with status: Shock. | |
Verdant | G | 54f27b | ff80d6 | 556622 | recolor | 4 March 2015 | Associated with season: Spring. | |
Frenzy | Bl | 2a375a | 00446c | 12243c | Sheen | special | 8 April 2015 | Associated with thunder and lightning. |
Dazed | Y | f9cf64 | b85e37 | 663129 | recolor | 22 April 2015 | Associated with status: Stun. | |
Wicked | Pu | 332865 | 543f48 | 4d1d2f | Shuddering | recolor | 3 June 2015 | Associated with status: Curse. |
Ruby | R | 800024 | 731745 | 4a2e13 | Twinkling | recolor | 8 July 2015 | Reminiscent of the birth stone of July. |
Blazing | O | 804066 | ff0f00 | 4e0000 | Burning | recolor | 22 July 2015 | Associated with status: Fire. |
Peridot | G | 96d215 | 005912 | 73683f | Twinkling | recolor | 5 August 2015 | Reminiscent of the birth stone of August. |
Slumber | B | 195ea6 | 21df9d | 04284d | recolor | 19 August 2015 | Associated with status: Sleep. | |
Sapphire | B | 3c8fc1 | 003e95 | 002a55 | Twinkling | recolor | 2 September 2015 | Reminiscent of the birth stone of September. |
Autumn | O | cc8c52 | 930f29 | 0f4d46 | recolor | 23 September 2015 | Associated with season: Fall. | |
Opal | Y | bcc777 | 9e3e5a | 284d3c | Twinkling | recolor | 7 October 2015 | Reminiscent of the birth stone of October. |
Citrine | O | ff9100 | 8c3400 | 462c12 | Twinkling | recolor | 4 November 2015 | Reminiscent of the birth stone of November. |
Turquoise | G | 45b8a6 | 0f6a79 | 0c3153 | Twinkling | recolor | 2 December 2015 | Reminiscent of the birth stone of December. |
Garnet | R | cc0730 | 7c033f | 531f34 | Twinkling | recolor | 6 January 2016 | Reminiscent of the birth stone of January. |
Amethyst | Pu | 8823ec | 604d8c | 602b3a | Twinkling | recolor | 17 February 2016 | Reminiscent of the birth stone of February. |
Aquamarine | B | 4cd9f2 | 487483 | 502631 | Twinkling | recolor | 3 March 2016 | Reminiscent of the birth stone of March. |
Lucky | G | 63a21c | 837d55 | 3e3053 | special | 10 March 2017 | Associated with holiday: St. Patrick's Day. | |
Diamond | B | b9d5ff | 8da4d9 | 264360 | Twinkling | recolor | 14 April 2017 | Reminiscent of the birth stone of April. |
Emerald | G | 00a734 | 3d7940 | 533853 | Twinkling | recolor | 12 May 2017 | Reminiscent of the birth stone of May. |
Pearl | W | ffeddf | ffaf79 | 794e49 | Twinkling | recolor | 9 June 2017 | Reminiscent of the birth stone of June. |
Buccaneer | Br | bfaba3 | 603e45 | 563429 | special | 27 September 2017 | Associated with Buccaneers and Pirates. | |
Grey | Gy | b9b9b9 | 8c8c8c | 595959 | recolor | 6 November 2017 | ||
Tech Blue | B | 00ecd7 | afa7bf | 423a5b | Adamant | recolor | 13 December 2017 | |
Tech Green | G | 18f242 | afa7bf | 423a5b | Adamant | recolor | 13 December 2017 | |
Tech Orange | O | f26d18 | afa7bf | 423a5b | Adamant | recolor | 13 December 2017 | |
Tech Pink | P | ff3785 | afa7bf | 423a5b | Adamant | recolor | 13 December 2017 | |
Tawny | Y | dfb73d | 793e2a | 604f3e | recolor | 16 February 2018 | Associated with monster family: Wolver. | |
Late Harvest | Y | c6e460 | ad801d | 62203a | recolor | 16 November 2018 | ||
ShadowTech Blue | B | 4c324d | 00ecd7 | 12243c | Adamant | recolor | 11 December 2019 | |
ShadowTech Green | G | 4c324d | 18f242 | 12243c | Adamant | recolor | 11 December 2019 | |
ShadowTech Orange | O | 4c324d | f26d18 | 12243c | Adamant | recolor | 11 December 2019 | |
ShadowTech Pink | P | 4c324d | ff3785 | 12243c | Adamant | recolor | 11 December 2019 |