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Revision as of 08:39, 23 May 2014 by Novaster (Talk | contribs)

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  • Charge Attack normal icon.png Attack shadow icon.png
  • Goo Grenades Attack normal icon.png
  • Explosion Attack normal icon.png Attack elemental icon.png
Weak to
  • Attack elemental icon.png Elemental damage
Resistant to
  • Attack piercing icon.png Piercing damage
  • None

"The Collector is complicated. It collects battle sprites, but lately it's been thinking about adding knights to its collection. Knights like you."

The Collector is a large construct created by Gremlins. It collects and imprisons Battle Sprites that have fallen into the Clockworks.

Monstrous Profile

A few things are known about the Collector, it resides in the Camp Crimson with other Construct monsters like Mecha Knights and Scuttlebots. It was intercepting knights and stealing Battle Sprites into a well-guarded compound deep within the Clockworks, probably awaiting new orders from Gremlins.


It has very high defense, but briefly lowers its guard when stunned by its own explosion ability. Use this as an opportunity to strike. When it uses its explosion ability, 3 Retrodes and 2 Gun Puppies appear to support it.

After being dealt enough damage the Collector will be defeated. It is a single phase mini-boss.


The Collector is, for the moment, regardless of weaknesses, resistances, defense and attacks, the only boss that consists of only one phase and least little health, making it the easiest boss in comparison, (besides the Ironwood Sentinel).

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