From SpiralKnights
{{LockBoxList/start}} - starts the template.
- name
- The true name of the item as seen in-game.
- description
- The description of the item as seen in the tooltip information in-game. Currently, the template shows the description if the user mousehovers over the box's icon image.
- possible prizes
- highly variable content. Please use [[PAGE LINKED TO]] and relevant icons to help Users get the information they need.
- notes
- Various bits of information, usually when the box was put into the game and so on.
- type
- The general type of box. To date, types of Lockboxes include:
- Prize Wheel
- Promotional
{{Table/end}} - ends the template.
<br/> puts in line breaks without breaking template or page. This is especially prudent for the "possible prizes" section.
{{AlertPending}} - puts a nice notice that into the table to let users know that information is subject to observer experience and error. Best used at the bottom of the "Possible Prizes" section.
For organizing Lockboxes. Content is slightly different from Prize Boxes, so Lockboxes get their own table format.
- Example
| name= Mirrored Lockbox
| description= A special prize box that contains one of the many unique items that modify the appearance of your Knight! It can only be opened with a Silver Key. Silver Keys can be purchased from the Supply Depot.
| possible prizes=
[[File:Icon-usable.png|20px|link=Usable]] Usable:
<br/>-[[Height Modifier]]s (not "normal")
<br/>-[[Eyes]] (not "normal," "heart")
| notes= This type of box was introduced in:<br/> April 2012 {{fn|http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/50966}}
| type= Prize Wheel <br/>& Promotional
- Produces
|style="background: #c7dbea; padding: 5px 5px 0px 5px; border-radius: 5px;" valign="middle" ||style="background: #c7dbea; padding: 3px 3px 3px 3px; border-radius: 5px;" align = "left" | {{{acquisition}}}
|style="background: #c7dbea; padding: 3px 3px 3px 3px; border-radius: 5px;" align = "center" ||style="background: #c7dbea; padding: 3px 3px 3px 3px; border-radius: 5px;" align = "left" | This type of box was introduced in:
April 2012 [1]