Prototype Rocket Hammer

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Prototype Rocket Hammer
Prototype Rocket Hammer-Equipped.png
Damage type(s) and Attack Speed influence combat. The attack style of the weapon in relation to the combat environment is also important. Consider both when choosing weapons to wield.


Boosts and Penalties are both considered "abilities" in general. Many items don't have any special abilities. See the Abilities page for details. Some enemies are immune to certain status conditions - see individual status pages for details.

This item doesn't have any special abilities.

All weapons gain these CTR bonuses as they level.
  • Level 5+: CTR: Low
  • Level 10: CTR: Medium

The Prototype Rocket Hammer is a 1-star sword.


Designed by Warmaster Seerus himself, this nefarious gremlin weapon is equipped with a rocket engine that can launch the wielder forward with a powerful hammer smash. This particular model is a prototype version.

Charge attack


Basic Attack

The basic attack consists of three attacks: The first attack is identical to that of any Heavy Sword's first hit, such as the Sealed Sword series. The second attack causes the Knight to "dash" 5 tiles in the direction they're facing. Any enemies directly in their path takes a moderate amount of damage. The third attack is identical to all Heavy Swords' second swings; more powerful and with significant knockback. All 3 attacks cause a small explosion directly in front of the Knight if an attack is landed on an enemy.

Charge Attack

The charge attack is two consecutive overhead smashes into the ground, similar to the Troika's charge. Each smash causes a small explosion, and the Knight takes a step forward in between attacks. The attack cannot be interrupted unless Shocked or knocked out.

Note: This attack can sometimes push teammates away.


The following damage values represent the weapon at its completed level, without any UV or bonus from other equipment, and are listed as a range found from the first to last floor of each stratum.

 [hidePrototype Rocket Hammer's Damage Table
Stratum 1 Stratum 2 Stratum 3 Stratum 4 Stratum 5 Stratum 6
Versus Constructs and Undead
First Hit 33 - 43 53 - 63 58 - 52 47 - 41 35 - 31 30 - 27
Dash (x3) 20 - 26 33 - 36 31 - 25 23 - 22 20 - 19 18 - 17
Final Hit 39 - 51 63 - 75 70 - 63 59 - 52 45 - 38 35 - 32
Charge Attack 52 - 69 85 - 102 97 - 90 86 - 79 72 - 60 52 - 45
Versus Slimes and Fiends
First Hit 28 - 35 42 - 48 38 - 32 30 - 28 26 - 24 23 - 21
Dash (x3) 15 - 17 22 - 24 21 - 19 18 - 17 16 - 15 14 - 13
Final Hit 34 - 43 51 - 60 50 - 40 36 - 33 31 - 28 27 - 24
Charge Attack 47 - 61 74 - 87 77 - 64 55 - 47 43 - 38 36 - 33
Versus Beasts and Gremlins
First Hit 5 - 7 9 - 10 10 10 10 9
Dash (x3) 4 - 5 6 - 7 7 7 6 6
Final Hit 6 - 8 10 - 12 12 11 11 11 - 10
Charge Attack 8 - 10 13 - 15 15 15 15 - 14 14


This item can be obtained from completing the tier 1 version of the expansion mission Operation Crimson Hammer. This item cannot be dropped, sold or unbound.



Alchemy Path

Prototype Rocket Hammer's alchemy path
☆☆☆☆☆ ★☆☆☆☆ ★★☆☆☆ ★★★☆☆ ★★★★☆ ★★★★★
Prototype Rocket Hammer
Prototype Rocket Hammer

The Prototype Rocket Hammer, Stable Rocket Hammer, and Warmaster Rocket Hammer are related. These are stand-alone items that cannot be upgraded.


This item is in a collection with others obtained in Tier 1 OCH:

See Also

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