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Revision as of 22:23, 24 May 2012 by Sederts (Talk | contribs)

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Sederts Civilian.png
Joined: 01/04/2012
Guild: Heroes of Chaos

Hey I'm Sederts, GM and founder of Heroes of Chaos. I play off of a MAC! (And Kong. My alt is on Steam, though) I love spamming the Random Page button on the wiki and hanging out with friends/guildies.


Here's my Notable (Fully upgraded/ One away from it and on my to-do List) Gear. I do have other random 2-4 star stuff that I don't feel like putting here.


=YouTube Videos

I have more than just these, these are my favs though.

Gauntlet Final Floor [Gauntlet!]
Fang of Vog vs. Royal Jelly- [Fang of Vog vs. Royal Jelly]
Firestorm Citadel run. (Does not include Lord Vanaduke)- [Firestorm Citadel]


All 8 Sprites in D25 FSC Solo! Sederts-All8Sprites.png

GM Clotho Saves Sederts from a Freeze Wisp Glitch. GM Clotho Saves Sederts from a Freeze Wisp Glitch.png

File-Sederts-SL-Sanctuary.png My first SL with Guild!

Sed in Guild Guidhall.png Me in the the Guild Guildhall!

Sederts-Love-Puppy.png Me and my Love Puppy! (Should have worn Love Puppy Disguise D:)

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