Talk:List of sets

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Current Discussion


There's some desire to improve what makes a "set" a set (vs. a "collection")...we might see more things that have weapons - going to be making some large changes when I'm not so tired and derpish. Template will be easier to fill in with variable name conventions - not everything is "blahblah helmet" or "blahblah mask" sometimes it's "blah blah mask blah" and so on...more and more so. Anchors should still function with rest of wiki, if they're even being used. -Novaster 00:46, 7 January 2015 (UTC)


I'll be removing the ToC and emphasizing use of CTRL+F. The ToC is huge and doesn't seem to cater to any type of user/gamer. Based on the page history, we have struggled with the ToC in the past, eventually settling on hidden headers. CTRL+F in the new list format should be a good compensation-solution. Currently working on updating list with a new, simpler template that will deal with icky naming conventions easily. -Novaster 00:41, 21 February 2015 (UTC)

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