Wegner is an NPC. He holds the position of Chief Geo Knight, overseeing research on and providing information about minerals.
This character has items most similar to:
Closed eyes, Cyan personal color
Magic Hood with a Game Face attached to it.
Similar to a Spiral Flak Jacket.
In the 2-3
Mission: The Collector, the player can interact with a module that allows Wegner to contact the player via comlink.
It is possible that this character is named after Alfred Wegener, who is famous in geology for proposing the theory of continental drift.
This dialogue appears in a recon module.
This is Wegner, Chief Geo Knight of the Skylark. I'm picking up a high concentration of mineral deposits in your area.
- Minerals? You mean these colorful rocky pillars?
Yes, exactly! During your travels in the Clockworks you will encounter five special minerals: crimsonite, moonstone, valestone, luminite and dark matter.
Attack a mineral column in order to break it down into a size you can carry. You can only pick up one at a time, but you can swap them by picking up another. Look for the biggest, shiniest one you can find. They are the most valuable.
Once you reach the elevator, the mineral you are carrying gets deposited in your arsenal for use later. Everyone in your party gets everyone else's minerals, so no need to fight over who gets the best one!
Minerals are used to create sprite food in the Laboratory. Sprite food is very important to the development of your sprite, so grab those minerals when you see them!
Our geological research is ongoing, so there may yet be other fascinating uses for these strange and powerful minerals.
- Sounds great! Thanks for the info!
Hello. I'm Wegner, Chief Geo Knight of the Skylark and head of geological studies within the Clockworks.
- I'm here to learn about the minerals found within the Clockworks.
During your travels in the Clockworks you will encounter five special minerals: crimsonite, moonstone, valestone, luminite and dark matter.
You wil find ore deposits in all levels of the Clockworks, and you must attack them in order to break them down into a size you can carry. You can only pick up one at a time, but you can swap them by picking up another. Look for the biggest, shiniest one you can find. They are the most valuable.
Once you safely reach the elevator, the mineral you are carrying gets deposited in your arsenal for use later. Everyone in your party gets everyone else's minerals, so no need to fight over who gets the best one!
Minerals are used to create sprite food in the Laboratory. Sprite food is very important to the development of your sprite, so grab those minerals when you see them!
Our geological research is ongoing, so there may yet be other fascinating uses for these strange and powerful minerals.
- Sounds great! Thanks for the info! (ends dialogue)
Congratulations PLAYERNAME. The Geo Knights owe a great deal to your efforts.
Wegner informs players about minerals.
Wegner informs players about how to get minerals.
See Also