Lancer Knightz (Guild)/Sword Combos Per Minute

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This page is part of the Lancer Knightz data collection project. These particular data were collected between late 2011 and early 2013. Data from swords marked B were collected by Bopp; all other data were collected by Donkeyhaute. Thanks to Squamph for some preliminary data. The data suggest that each level of attack speed increase (ASI) increases comboing speed by roughly 3.6%. The data also let us estimate damage per second (DPS) of swords.


The tester goes to a safe area, such as Moorcroft Manor. He (or she) notes the total amount of ASI in effect on the sword. He executes combos for a minute straight against thin air, turning as necessary to avoid obstacles. At the end of the minute, he rounds the number of combos to the nearest multiple of 0.5. He repeats the test until it seems to settle on a single answer. He records all of the test results in the hidden wiki markup in the table below, or mails them to Donkeyhaute.


The table displays the combos per minute at all levels of ASI from -2 (Medium penalty) to +6 (Maximum!). In many cases, more than one measurement has been made. Only the average of the measurements is displayed. All of the measurements can be viewed in the hidden wiki markup for the table. Because combos per minute are rounded to the nearest whole number, and because comboing speed may vary from player to player, these numbers should be viewed as approximate.

Name Damage -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6
Leviathan Blade normal 29 30 31 32 34 35 36 38 39
Cold Iron VanquisherB normal 30 31 32 33 34 36 37 38 40
Dread Venom Striker normal 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 29
Wild Hunting BladeB normal 21.5 22 23 24 25 25.5 26.5 27
Sudaruska normal 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
Triglav normal
Barbarous Thorn Blade piercing 31 32 33 35 36 37 38 39 40
Final Flourish piercing 31 32 33 35 36 37 38 39 40
Fearless RigadoonB piercing 31 32 33 35 36 37 38 39 40
Furious FlambergeB piercing 31 32 33 35 36 37 38 39 40
Warmaster Rocket Hammer elemental 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Divine Avenger elem+norm 29 30 32 33 34 35 37
Fang of Vog elem+norm 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
Voltedge elem+norm
Combuster elem+norm 29 30 31 33 34 35 36 38 39
Glacius elem+norm 29 30 31 33 34 35 36 38 39
Acheron shad+norm 31 33 34 35 36 38 39
Obsidian Edge shad+norm 31 33 34 35 37 38 39
Gran Faust shad+norm 29 30 31 33 34 35 36



The image at right shows the effect of ASI on combos per minute (CPM). Each sword's CPM data are plotted as a sequence of points. Each point represents one level of ASI paired with the next level of ASI. For example, Leviathan Blade's data (29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39) plot at the points (29, 30), (30, 31), (31, 32), etc. The best-fit line of the form y = m x has slope m = 1.03563. Thus each level of ASI increases CPM by roughly 3.6%.

Gran Faust combos no faster than Divine Avenger, and our data on charges per minute show that Gran Faust charges much more slowly than Divine Avenger. However, Gran Faust's item information displays a longer speed bar than Divine Avenger. So our data confirm that those speed bars are incorrect.

Similarly, Wild Hunting Blade combos a bit more slowly than Dread Venom Striker. The same trend is apparent in our data on charges per minute. By the way, DVS appears to reach a speed cap, although this may be an artifact of our imperfectly precise testing process.

It is important to keep in mind that combos per minute are just one way of measuring the speed of a sword. Almost-combos, in which the last stroke of the combo is omitted, are often preferable to full combos. Some swords complete their combos quickly, but then suffer large "cool down" periods before they can begin the next combo.

Damage per Second

We can combine our combos-per-minute data with damage data from the wiki, to compute the damage per second (DPS) that results for comboing as fast as possible. In detail, we take the ASI+6 data from the table above. For swords with no data (e.g., Voltedge), we use the available data from similar swords (Glacius). We total the damage for all of the strokes in the sword's combo. Then we compute

damage per second = damage per combo * combos per minute * minutes per second,

where minutes per second is obviously 1/60. It is worth noting that, because combos per minute are precise to within a few percent only, so is DPS precise to within a few percent only. For example, the difference between 628 DPS and 607 DPS may not be significant.

Here is the DPS for swords at depth 28 with damage+0 (from other sources; these figures include the family-specific damage bonuses on Cold Iron Vanquisher and Wild Hunting Blade). Warmaster Rocket Hammer's damage is given as a range, depending on whether the second stroke hits once or thrice.

Name Damage Slimes Gremlins Beasts Fiends Undead Constructs
Leviathan Blade normal 432 432 432 432 432 432
Cold Iron Vanquisher normal 407 407 407 407 495 407
Dread Venom Striker normal 445 445 445 445 445 445
Wild Hunting Blade normal 414 414 507? 414 414 414
Sudaruska normal 325 325 325 325 325 325
Triglav normal 325 325 325 325 325 325
Barbarous Thorn Blade piercing 99 443 607 607 443 99
Final Flourish piercing 99 443 607 607 443 99
Fearless Rigadoon piercing 87 342 513 513 342 87
Furious Flamberge piercing 87 342 513 513 342 87
Warmaster Rocket Hammer elemental 366-519 81-122 81-122 366-519 492-733 492-733
Divine Avenger elem+norm 368 233 233 368 477 477
Fang of Vog elem+norm 329 218 218 329 468 468
Voltedge elem+norm 454 296 296 454 628 628
Combuster elem+norm 454 296 296 454 628 628
Glacius elem+norm 454 296 296 454 628 628
Acheron shad+norm 716 716 540 345 345 540
Obsidian Edge shad+norm 628 628 454 296 296 454
Gran Faust shad+norm 464 464 358 227 227 358

Similarly, here is the DPS for swords at depth 24 with damage+6, based on our own damage data at depth 24.

Name Damage Slimes Gremlins Beasts Fiends Undead Constructs
Leviathan Blade normal 567 567 567 567 567 567
Cold Iron Vanquisher normal 538 538 538 538 538 538
Dread Venom Striker normal 652 652 652 652 652 652
Wild Hunting Blade normal 608 608 608 608 608 608
Sudaruska normal 390 390 390 390 390 390
Triglav normal 390 390 390 390 390 390
Barbarous Thorn Blade piercing 115 582 712 712 582 115
Final Flourish piercing 115 582 712 712 582 115
Fearless Rigadoon piercing 97 469 601 601 469 97
Furious Flamberge piercing 97 469 601 601 469 97
Warmaster Rocket Hammer elemental 474-691 93-139 93-139 474-691 572-855 572-855
Divine Avenger elem+norm 527 319 319 527 607 607
Fang of Vog elem+norm 510 315 315 510 614 614
Voltedge elem+norm 697 426 426 697 825 825
Combuster elem+norm 697 426 426 697 825 825
Glacius elem+norm 697 426 426 697 825 825
Acheron shad+norm 924 924 797 484 484 797
Obsidian Edge shad+norm 825 825 697 426 426 697
Gran Faust shad+norm 591 591 512 310 310 512
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