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I'm a huge fan of this game and hope it lasts and is playable for a long time. I'd say I'm still probably a mid-level player, although I've made countless Royal Jelly, Snarbolax and Roarmulus Twins runs and made it to the Core - several times solo. I've now fought Vanaduke three times and prevailed twice. I still don't know what I'm doing and am not properly equipped.

I've got two characters in the game, Kettlefish, my main character in Haven, and Menoetius, a character I'm going to leave in Rescue Camp to help newbies figure out how to get to Haven and for just chilling out. You'd be surprised how relaxing chilling in Rescue Camp can be when compared to fast-paced Haven.

Kettlefish is a member of Guild. I'm constantly impressed by how good at SK some of our members are.

I like to play Lockdown when I get tired of the Clockworks, but usually end up playing tier 1. Tier 3 is a bit annoying in that there are so many people with such great gear that I can't fully compete. My impression of the T3 players is also that they are too serious about it and like to trash talk a bit too much. Tier 1 is a lot more friendly. I'd probably have a lot of fun in T2, but unfortunately, I don't have any good gear for it. Maybe that's something for me to work on.

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