Shadow Lair/Gloaming Wildwoods

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Gate-Shadow Lair.png
Region: Shadow Lair
Level: Gloaming Wildwoods


Notable Exploration Entities

  • Pending

These areas are the same as Gloaming Wildwoods except this shadow lair's version have monster of the undead family.

Unlike the Roarmulus Twins, the Rabid Snarbolaxes have independent healths.

The Silkwing will heals 63 health per second to each Rabid Snarbolax near it.

The topic of this article or section is subject to personal opinion, and does not represent any one absolute truth. If you disagree, discuss your concerns on the the talk page before editing. Armor that protects against normal, piercing, shadow, and poison is recommended. Piercing, elemental, and crowd-control weapons are recommended.

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