From SpiralKnights

A Rarity is a type of item. Most kinds of rarities play a role in upgrading gear.
A variety of rarity items are available in Spiral Knights, and can be purchased from the Supply Depot in exchange for energy. Kozma also sells them since talking to her opens up the Supply Depot. Much like other upgrades, they are tradeable and may be purchased from other players through the auction house or direct trade. Keep in mind the rarities you find in the clockworks are not tradable however.
They are located in your arsenal, under the Rarity section.
Evo Catalyst
A contained charge of highly unstable energy that can be synthesized by Battle Sprites. In order for a Battle Sprite to advance and level up, a required item will need to be fed to the Battle Sprite. At certain levels, the required item will be an Evo Catalyst, allowing the sprite to evolve. Without the required item, the battle sprite will not level up, no matter what or how many materials the player feeds the sprite.
A battle sprite will require an Evo Catalyst at levels 14, 49, 89, 94, and 99 before advancing a level. The catalyst used at 14 (Evo) will unlock the second skill, the one used at 49 (Advanced Evo) the third one, and the other ones (Ultimate Evo) will let you upgrade the sprite skills to their ultimate versions. Evo Catalysts are tradeable and can be sold in the Auction House.
Evo Catalyst
The most basic form of Evo Catalysts, this 2-star rarity item will be required to unlock a second Battle Sprite skill. The sprite will evolve into greater forms and learn new skills. One is awarded upon first-time completion of Shadow of the Beast, but more can be purchased in the Supply Depot or from Kozma for 125 energy.
Advanced Evo Catalyst
This 4-star rarity item will be required to unlock a third Battle Sprite skill. The sprite can evolve into even more advanced forms with even more powerful skills. One is awarded upon first-time completion of Built to Destroy!, but more can be purchased in the Supply Depot or from Kozma for 250 energy.
Ultimate Evo Catalyst
This 5-star rarity item will be required to unlock an ultimate Battle Sprite skill. The sprites can evolve into their ultimate forms and harness the power of their ultimate skills. One is awarded upon first-time completion of The King of Ashes, but more can be purchased in the Supply Depot or from Kozma for 525 energy.
Fire Crystal
A rare, crystallized formation of heat used to forge higher levels of weapons and gear. Fire crystals may be purchased in stacks in the Supply Depot or Kozma, crafted via the recipe, acquired via missions or found as loot in treasure blocks or in Forge Prize Boxes. They must be used within the Forge in order to level up your items after acquiring the requisite amount of heat. Your choice of the number of fire crystals to use with each upgrade will have an influence on the success of the upgrade and the likelihood that the gear gains special bonuses, such as double level up or special. The heat you earn in the Clockworks remains yours, regardless of the success of the upgrade.
Only Fire Crystals purchased from the Supply Depot can be traded and can be sold in the Auction House.
Cracked Fire Crystal
Though cracked, it still glows ever so faintly. This rarity item is required to level 0-star weapons and gear. It can be purchased from Vatel in 5 unit packages for 50 crowns.
It may also be crafted using the Cracked Fire Crystal Recipe.
Dim Fire Crystal
The heat within flickers like a tiny candle. This rarity item is required to level 1-star weapons and gear. It can be purchased from Vatel in 5 unit packages for 125 crowns.
It may also be crafted using the Dim Fire Crystal Recipe.
Warm Fire Crystal
The heat within burns strong enough that it feels warm to the touch. This rarity item is required to level 2-star weapons and gear. It can be found as loot in the Clockworks (commonly in Stratum 3), it can also be purchased in the Supply Depot or from Kozma in 50 unit packages for 85 energy.
It may also be crafted using the Warm Fire Crystal Recipe.
Glowing Fire Crystal
The heat within burns bright enough to light a darkened room. This rarity item is required to level 3-star weapons and gear. It can be found as loot in the Clockworks in Stratum 3 and 4, it can also be purchased in the Supply Depot or from Kozma in 50 unit packages for 175 energy.
It may also be crafted using the Glowing Fire Crystal Recipe.
Shining Fire Crystal
The heat within burns like a star shining in the night sky. This rarity item is required to level 4-star weapons and gear. It can be found as loot in the Clockworks in Stratum 5 and 6. It can also be purchased in the Supply Depot or from Kozma in 50 unit packages for 350 energy.
It may also be crafted using the Shining Fire Crystal Recipe.
Radiant Fire Crystal
The heat within is wild and mysterious, shining brighter than any natural fire. This rarity item is required to level 5-star weapons and gear. It can be found as loot in the Clockworks at depth 25 and deeper. (Note that for the sake of loot, Danger Rooms and Shadow Lairs are deeper than their marked depth) It can also be purchased in the Supply Depot or from Kozma in 50 unit packages for 700 energy.
Orb of Alchemy
Orbs of Alchemy are rare, encapsulated elements used in alchemical transmutation are required for crafting. Orbs exist for each star level in the game (save for 0 star). As you play, you will find over time that you have more orbs than you need for the upgrade of your initial choice of weapons, and that you have the resources to build a broader arsenal of gear. This, in turn, will make it easier for Spiral Knights players to experiment with more varied equipment and gameplay styles.
Orbs of alchemy may be purchased in unbound stacks from the Supply Depot, acquired via missions or as rare loot in treasure blocks and Forge Prize Boxes. Only Orbs of Alchemy purchased from the Supply Depot can be traded and can be sold in the Auction House.
Flawed Orb of Alchemy
Though flawed, this orb is still useful in crafting low-powered items. This 1-star item can be found as loot drop primarily in Stratum 1 treasure boxes as you play in the Clockworks, or it may be bought from the Supply Depot or Kozma in packs of 3 for 10 energy.
Simple Orb of Alchemy
While unrefined, this orb can be used to craft more powerful items. This 2-star item can be found as loot drop primarily in Stratum 2 treasure boxes as you play in the Clockworks, or it may be bought from the Supply Depot or Kozma in packs of 3 for 50 energy.
Advanced Orb of Alchemy
This orb is exceptional and can be used to craft very powerful items. This 3-star item can be found as loot drop primarily in Stratum 3 treasure boxes as you play in the Clockworks, or it may be bought from the Supply Depot or Kozma in packs of 3 for 200 energy.
Elite Orb of Alchemy
Orbs like these are used by elite knights to craft items of exceptional quality and power. This 4-star item can be found as loot drop primarily in Stratum 4 treasure boxes as you play in the Clockworks, or it may be bought from the Supply Depot or Kozma in packs of 3 for 400 energy.
Eternal Orb of Alchemy
This orb is prized by the most powerful knights and is used to craft items of extraordinary power. This 5-star item can be found as loot drop primarily in Stratum 5 and 6 treasure boxes as you play in the Clockworks, or it may be bought from the Supply Depot or Kozma in packs of 3 for 800 energy.
Spark of Life
Sparks of Life are rarity items that contain a powerful charge of pure energy that instantly revives you or a fellow party member. Reviving with a Spark consumes one spark of life, revives the player to full health and creates a large energy blast. Heat is not lost during this process.
Sparks of Life can be earned via missions, found in treasure blocks as rare loot drops, or purchased in bulk at a discount price of 200 energy for 10 sparks in the Supply Depot or Kozma. Sparks of Life cannot be purchased while in the Clockworks, however, they can be purchased individually to revive via a popup —presented to players who have fallen in combat without an emergency revive— at a rate of 50 energy per unit.
Golden Slime Coin
Golden Slime Coins are exclusively used in the Golden Slime Casino.
Rarity items were introduced with release 2013-07-30.
They seem to be manifestations of energy, able to function much like Energy used to (especially in crafting and reviving) prior to their release.