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The parts of an active gate platform include: The control panel and display monitor showing the gate symbol.
Gate totems show either the current levels (active gates) or the current construction status (dormant gates).

Gates are entrances into the Clockworks used by the Spiral Knights to explore Cradle.

Gates are either active, permitting knights to travel down into the Clockworks, or dormant, with a countdown timer showing when they will become active.

There are four parts in a gate:

  • Control Panel - Used on active gates to go adventuring
  • Display Monitor - Visually shows the gate's name
  • Mineral Deposit Box - Used on dormant gates for gate construction
  • Totem - Shows either the current levels (active gates) or the current construction status (dormant gates)

Portales activos

Active gates are open for exploration by knights. Although a few are permanent, such as the tutorial gates and the former Firefly Gate, most are constructed by players in the Arcade and have different thematic levels depending on the construction process. The Arcade contains 8 gates at any time, of which the leftmost 4 are active and the rightmost 4 are dormant. Every two days, the leftmost gate disappears and all remaining gates are shifted left, causing a dormant gate to become active and a new dormant gate to be created; thus, each gate remains active for 8 days.

To enter a gate, go to the Control Panel and use your ATTACK key to access the options.

This knight can enter Moorcroft Manor at the Coral Pawn and Onyx Queen gates for free, but must pay for the Silver Knight or Sapphire Skull gates.

Niveles y Estratos

Each gate contains three tiers of increasing difficulty separated by subtowns. Each tier is subdivided into two strata, each containing 3-5 floors populated with levels appropriate to the stratum's theme. Between these strata lies a Clockwork Terminal, a safe floor where you can change equipment, heal yourself, and buy recipes from Basil.

Players can enter the gate at the start of a tier or by joining an existing adventuring party. Most levels end with an elevator allowing knights to either descend to the next floor for 10 or return to Haven; however, the elevators leading to a subtown or terminal are free, and so they descend automatically.

Progreso del portal

Entrance to a subtown, the first levels of tiers 2 and 3, is only free for that gate if a knight has reached that subtown from the previous tier in a previous run. Clearance for free tier entrance is separate for each gate, so new runs from the top are required as new gates become active. Gate progress is shown on the Progress tab of the Character window; free entry is marked by a filled star, while paid entry is marked by an empty star.

  • Tier 1 - Depth 0-7; always free entry
  • Tier 2 - Depth 8-17; paid entry: 200 crowns
  • Tier 3 - Depth 18-28; paid entry: 500 crowns

Rotación de niveles

Aside from levels having multiple possible versions, the next depth's level changes in real time if there is more than one possible level for that depth. The current next level can be seen on the monitor at the lift to the next depth, and on the Gate Map of your current adventure, which is accessed from the Icon-settings.png Main Menu icon in the top left corner of the screen.

A Gate Map showing both question mark and arrow depths.

On the Gate Map, there is a line leading from your current level (marked with a red circle and a "person" icon) to the next location. Each possible level is divided by arrows pointing left or right, or a question mark. The arrows indicate in which direction the levels will move at the next interval of level rotation. These arrows can flip to become the opposite arrow, and the line leading to the next level can also change its path. Question marks mean that depth's next level is constantly changing, so the next level cannot be determined, and the line which usually indicates what the next level will be becomes a branch pointing to all possible levels. With enough waiting, it is possible to take the most desirable route down, barring the randomized question marked depths.

The interval at which depths can change the path varies or may be random, although most of the time it changes around every 5 (3 to 7) minutes. It is possible for the levels to move left/right and the line leading to the level to change at the same time, bypassing what should have been the "next" level entirely. Levels continue to rotate even as you play through your current one, so you may wait an elevator for the desired level to appear. The next level is not locked in until all party members step on the lift; the monitor may change while heat is being distributed, but the level has already been chosen.

Each individual depth usually takes the same amount of time to rotate one level. This mean that depths which have previously taken extended periods of time to rotate will probably take extended periods of time to rotate again. While as aforementioned, depths usually change every 3 to 7 minutes, the complete range of possibilities lies between about 1:45 and 20 minutes.

Additionally, the rate at which levels change appears to be dependent upon the direction of rotation of the current depth, and the direction of the next. There seems to be tendency towards longer wait times if both rotate the same direction, and a tendency towards shorter times if they rotate in opposite directions. This can be pictured as two overlapping gears(the two levels), from which the knight is about to drop from the top one to the bottom one(descending further into the clockworks). If they both rotate opposite directions, the knight will quickly pass over every possibility on the lower gear(shorter wait times). If they both rotate the same direction, then the closer they are to the same speed, the longer the knight will spend waiting for a specific level.[1]

Portales inactivos

Portales en proceso de construcción.

Dormant gates appear to the right side of the Arcade and have 8 days of gate construction before becoming active gates. You can see an exact day:hour:minute:second countdown indicator in the display when interacting with the mineral deposit area. During this time players can deposit minerals to create thematic levels within each stratum.

When the countdown timer reaches zero, the gate becomes active with whatever levels that have been constructed.

Nombre de los portales

Cuando se genera un portal en el Arcade, se le asigna un color y un símbolo al azar para ponerle nombre. Abajo está la lista de colores y símbolos conocidos.

Combinaciones de nombre de los portales
  • Amber
  • Copper
  • Coral
  • Dark
  • Diamond
  • Emerald
  • Golden
  • Iron
  • Jade
  • Onyx
  • Ruby
  • Sapphire
  • Silver
  • Bishop
  • Clover
  • Falcon
  • King
  • Knight
  • Lion
  • Pawn
  • Phantom
  • Queen
  • Rook
  • Serpent
  • Skull
  • Sun
  • Titan

Actualmente hay 182 (= 13 colores * 14 símbolos) combinaciones posibles.

Iconos de los niveles

Las profundidades de los Mecanismos tienen iconos de nivel que denotan el tipo de nivel en el que los Caballeros entrarán. Hay tres cosas que los caballeros deben revisar:

  • Color del fondo: Este indica el tema elemental o la profundidad y determina cuales condiciones de estatus aparecerán.
  • Icono: Esto determina el etilo del mapa y la configuración de la profundidad.
  • Color del icono: esto le indica a los Caballeros que tipo de monstruos se esconden en las profundidades y el tipo de daño que pueden esperar.
Combinaciones del nivel
Colores del fondo Iconos
Icon Map Boss.png
Icon Map Munitions1.PNG
Fábrica de Municiones Ironclaw
Icon Map Castle.png
Ciudadela de Fuego
Palacio del Jelly Real
Fortaleza Escarlata
Icon Map City.png
Jungla de Concreto
Ciudad Oscura
Icon Map Miniboss.png
Aluvión de Huesos de Brezo
Corceles Estigios
Gate-Candlestick Keep.png
Torre del Candelero
Icon Map Clockwork.png
Túnel de los Mecanismos
Zona en Deconstrucción
Gate Icon-Swarm2.png
Guarida de la Sombra
Icon Map Woods.png
Bosque en Crepúsculo
Icon Map Graveyard.png
Icon Map Island.png
Islotes Aurora
Valle del Acertijo
Cuna Estelar
Icon Map Lobby.png
Lobby del Grupo
Icon Map Monsters.png
Lares de Lichens
Guarida de Wolvers
Trabajo Pesado
Icon Map Shield.png
Battle Arena
Icon Map Compound.png
Gate-El Santuario.png
El Santuario
Icon Map Terminal.png
Icon Map Town.png
Pueblo Subterráneo
Icon Map Treasure.png
Bóveda del Tesoro
Icon Map Unknown.png
Nivel al azar
Icon Map Core.png
El Core

Colores de los iconos

Temas del Estrato

Cada portal tiene hasta 6 estratos. Un nivel tiene 2 estratos. Los temas se pueden ver en el tótem, y en el caso de portales inactivos también se pueden ver en la información de la construcción de portales. Hay 10 posibles temas de estrato.

Temas del Estrato
Gate Icon-Beast.png
Gate Icon-Construct.png
Gate Icon-Fiend.png
Gate Icon-Fire.png
Gate Icon-Freeze.png
Gate Icon-Gremlin.png
Gate Icon-Poison.png
Gate Icon-Shock.png
Gate Icon-Slime.png
Gate Icon-Undead.png

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