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Archived discussions can be found [[User talk:Equinox/archive|here]] and [[User talk:Equinox/archive2|here]].
Archived discussions can be found [[User talk:Equinox/archive|here]], [[User talk:Equinox/archive2|here]], [[User talk:Equinox/archive3|here]], and [[User talk:Equinox/archive4|here]].  '''If you have a suggestion for Spiral Knights, please use the [http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/forum/7 Suggestions Forum] instead.  If you need assistance with your account, use the links on the [[Support Portal]] to get help.'''
== IMAGES ==
== User page tutorial ==
Hey this is anders1319 here, and i didn't know you can ban people :|
IT WORKS OMG IT WORKS OMG OMG OMG THANK YOU FOR FIXING IT ;U; [[User:Saphykun|Saphykun]] 14:16, 20 September 2011 (UTC)
:WE TOTALLY NEED A WIKI PARTY TO CELEBRATE! --[[User:D0gr0ck|D0gr0ck]] 14:39, 20 September 2011 (UTC)
::YAY, IT'S FIXED! AND GOOD IDEA D0GR0CK, I'LL BRING THE [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pEjbVeLXPc0/.avi CUPCAKES!] ~[[User:Katmint|<b><font color="red">K</font><font color="orange">a</font><font color="jade">t</font><font color="sky blue">m</font><font color="blue">i</font><font color="purple">n</font><font color="fuchsia">t</font></b>]] 15:38, 20 September 2011 (UTC)
:::Sadly, it is not actually fixed.  However, I promise you that when it is fixed, we should all plan to celebrate by obsessively updating images WHILE EATING CUPCAKES. --[[User:Equinox|Equinox]] 01:36, 21 September 2011 (UTC)
::::OMG YOUR RIGHT it really isn't fix *sob* [[User:Saphykun|Saphykun]] 01:44, 23 September 2011 (UTC)
:::::I can't wait til it's actually fixed, those issues trying to get images to show up correctly on here are always a pain. --[[User:Vermilion242|<b><font color="vermilion">Vermilionshadow</font></b>]] 00:22, 9 October 2011 (UTC)
== Vog cub theory ==
I've made a user page tutorial which outlines basic wiki and html conventions, and a template for people to use for their user pages.
It would be good if this was added to the main page or some other place. Are there any categories I can add it to?
This is not confirmed, but i do have a theory about the whereabouts of the Vog Cub. When I saw the vog cub in the promo vid, i noticed that the vog cub basically acted like a tier 3 fire wolver. Also, monsters can have different names on different tiers, such as the Trojan being known as Dark Trojan (T2) and Trojan Nightmare (T3), Chromalisk being known as Chroma Whelp (T1) and Bull Chroma (T3), Virulisk known as Deadly Virulisk at T3, etc. So i was wondering, maybe the current T3 Ash Tail is actually the Vog Cub, but with an updated appearance? It does have glowing symbols after all. If that is true, the same could also be said that the T3 Frostifur can also be known as the Skolver.
It would also be good if you or someone else checked it out to make sure it is all correct.
Just wondering what you think of this theory. --[[Conanwong]]
:Nope, the Vog Cub is an actual monster separate from the fire type wolvers.  It's just not present in game right now.  --[[User:Equinox|Equinox]] 21:23, 24 September 2011 (UTC)
Thanks! [[User:Sshs|Sshs]] 03:53, 3 August 2012 (UTC)
== I think there should be a guide to creating user page/guild page ==
== Vog cub ==
Hello, from my experience in spiral knights i think still many players dont know about existence of guild pages/user pages and how to create ones (some of them dont know about wikipedia existence). It would be nice if on the front page there would be a link (maybe in Social Compendium table) to a article which would be a quick guide how to do a guild page/user page. In that article there would be a short introduction to making wiki page and then there could be a list of existing user page/guild page templates.
Hello Equinox, I'm trying to fix some broken links but I'm having a little trouble. I noticed the entry for the vog cub at the Wolver article which was missing a hidden header, so after changing that [[Wolver#Notable_Wolvers]] got an added sub-entry called [[Wolver#Vog_Cub]].
Also i think it would be good to make wikipedia more popular amongst players, something what OOO can do is send out system mail as spiral HQ to inform about Spiral Knights wikipedia and its features (lot of information and mention of guild pages and user pages). [[User:Asukalan|Asukalan]]
I updated the [[Visual_Encyclopedia/creature]] vog cub entry to reflect that, but noticed that the image "[[:File:Monster-Vog_Cub.PNG|File:Monster-Vog_Cub.PNG]]" gets linked incorrectly in the wolver article because of the capitalized .png file extension. I tried to download that and re-upload as "[[File:Monster-Vog_Cub.png|:File:Monster-Vog_Cub.png]]" but you've protected that entry because people uploaded an incorrect image earlier. Trying to update the old *.PNG image won't allow changing file names.
So in summary could you please
Lol, look at the post above you. [[User:Sshs|Sshs]] 03:26, 10 August 2012 (UTC)
* Correct the file name by re-uploading the file "[[:File:Monster-Vog_Cub.PNG|File:Monster-Vog_Cub.PNG]]" after renaming it to Monster-Vog_Cub.png?
* Give me a message at my [[User_talk:Silphy|talk page]] so I can update the entries at [[Visual_Encyclopedia/creature]] and [[Talk:Wolver|Talk:Wolver]]?
Edit: I'll also see if I can screenshot a few of the [[User:Equinox/needed_images|missing images]].
== Green Leafy Aura Icon ==
:Due to the image uploading issues, I'm actually waiting to see if anyone has a clear screenshot of the vog cub (or if it is put back in game, get one then). --[[User:Equinox|Equinox]] 15:44, 10 October 2011 (UTC)
Greetings Equi
== Help me please, i am wiki illiterate. ==
I tried to upload the icon but couldn't upload the PNG file. Converted to GIF then uploaded it. Looks weird resized now :V
[[File:Equipment-Green Leafy Aura icon.gif|40px|Green Leafy Aura]] Check the difference [[File:Equipment-Twilight Aura icon.png|40px|Twilight Aura]]
A few days ago, i made a wiki page for a friend (Annete)a as she is rubbish with wiki stuff. I am not much better so somehow, i ended up with duplicate pages. I linked one of the pages I made for her to my guild's wiki page (Gambit), however the link to her page, under her name is red, indicating that it doesn't exist...when it should.
T_T can you turn it to PNG? Every time I do, I get the same error.
You wrote to me, but what you had to say wasn't really relevant to my problem as Annetea, isn't my own alternative character - it's a friend's character that i was simply trying to make a basic wiki page for. Is there some way you can retrieve the deleted page and make it link properly for me?
:It's probably due to your image editor saving the format differently than the wiki recognizes. I'll take care of it soon if nobody else has gotten it before me. --[[User:Equinox|Equinox]] 19:03, 22 August 2012 (UTC)
Any help would be much appreciated.
== Hello, this is Apophis-Set ==
== My articles won't display properly when I'm logged off. ==
I am the one who asked if it were possible to reclaim a hacked account.  
I recently found out my friend sold everything I owned and sent it to his account, "firefistace", as well as his other friend, "Wolfx-ten"
I have spent a lot of money (around $400) and I was wondering if I can talk to a game master to somehow restore my account to how it was previously.
This game means a lot to me, as I have spent a lot of my collected money on it.
Please let me know if it is possible for a game master to restore all the things on it.
Thank you!
When I'm logged on, the entire edited article is displayed to me. When I'm logged off, however, it only shows a single line of text which was what the page looked like before I edited it. This leads me to believe that people without wiki accounts will be unable to see my edited article. Do you know how to solve this issue? I appreciate your help.
== Content won't show ==
-Sincerely, Aruceus27
Hello there!
So I am pretty new to editing my Wiki page.  
The specific article I am talking about is the [[Bechamel]] article.
I have a problem. All the content I have written on my user page won't show. I don't understand why. I have Googled it, asked on forums and in Havens.
Could you please spell this out for me?
== Whoops, screwed up an upload. ==
Tried to upload Twinkle Aura-Equipped.png, but I missed the warning that there'd been a file there previously. Could you please delete it again? Sorry for the inconvenience.
--[[User:Vagueabond|Vagueabond]] 03:04, 12 October 2011 (UTC)
==Preview Server's Monsters==
== Equipment pictures ==
Just to inform you Equinox, I currently have an image of nearly all the enemies in the 4 new areas in the Test Server. I even have an unpoisoned shot of some of the bosses (I'm waiting until the new freeze boss's room is fixed since it shows some weird black and red outline of a trap in the middle of the room instead of the trap itself.) Note to reply: No image has, and will be uploaded anywhere online until it has been released onto the regular server. --[[User:Vermilion242|<b><font color="vermilion">Vermilionshadow</font></b>]]
23:33, 17 October 2011 (UTC)
New Standard?
Is there a reason pictures -have- to be taken from the Character window?
I've spent the past 8 hours updating the accesory wiki to TheTric's template
Yes, it is advised because you can usually get the best view on them there - but there are a few where this just doesn't work.
I can understand if it is meant to look uniform, but uniformity at the cost of praticality beats it's own purpose.
I am namingly refering to pictures like the Warmaster Rocket Hammer and the Argent Peacemaker.
== Extension ==
== Srry to bother u Equniox  ==
If you'd like to, and if you're able to, can you please install this extension?
I really need your help on this one i created my guild page but it got screwed up so can u help me delete Paranoida (Guild) page so i can restart on a new one asap?
It'll allow use like this:
{{#inCategory:Angelic Helm|Helmet top attachment|Display Icon|Blank}}
Would help greatly for example the gear list.
[http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:CategoryFunctions] --[[User:TGYoshi|TGYoshi]] 11:07, 16 October 2011 (UTC)
:Ooo that looks neat.  I cannot personally install extensions, but I will add the request to the list and let you know if it is installed. --[[User:Equinox|Equinox]] 13:22, 16 October 2011 (UTC)
I think i figured it out already somehow and srry to bother u again
::Great, we'll see. --[[User:TGYoshi|TGYoshi]] 14:13, 16 October 2011 (UTC)
oh shit it is extremely screwed up can u plz help me delete it or do something to help cos i somehow moved the page to deleted then i can't revert back
== Shadow Alchemy Station ==
== Plz do not take this as a spam Equinox ==
Thank you! I really appreciate you uploading that picture, it really finishes the page! It followed my request to the "T"! Thank you so much! :D --[[User:Kazamh|Kazamh]] 21:42, 23 October 2011 (UTC)
== Finally, the real Vog Cub ==
Im sorry that i have created two other pages called Deleted and Paranoida(Guild)  by accident srry for the extra work Equinox but plz delete it and just to let u know i have solved my wiki problems already
After nearly a week searching for a way to get an image of the original Vog Cub, I finally managed to find the model implemented (but not used) in the game (or at least in its database).
== Category name change ==
I think I can say that after all this work ... I managed to find the authentic Vog Cub!
Could you please move the category via this link? http://wiki.spiralknights.com/Special:MovePage/Category:Shocking-Themed <br>
Rename it to "Category:Surge-Themed" seeing as that's the name of all the costume/accessory gear. <br>
Thanks. <br>
There also seems to be some strange happenings about the wiki. As soon as I visit a page, it won't change from how it was when I first visited it, some sort of server issue where it isn't refreshing correctly? The source displays correct. (and hence doesn't match up to what I see on the mainspace) Even if I'm logged in, it still says up the top right "log in" (and I have to press "view source" in order to edit pages). <br>
This seems really strange. I tried refreshing my cache with F5 to no avail. --[[User:HexZyle|HexZyle]] 10:21, 18 November 2012 (UTC)
<nowiki>[[File:Model-Vog_Cub.png|360px|left|thumb|Near the end of his life, my Vog Cub becomes more beautiful and natural than ever. T.T]]</nowiki>
== DOUBLE Royal Jelly Crown ==
Please tell me if I am right :D --[[User:Klaus7|Klauser]] 08:35, 25 October 2011 (UTC+1)
By entering this page you will immediately understand the problem for sure: [[Royal Jelly Crown (disambiguation)]]
:Might be me, but I'm quite sure this shouldn't be uploaded here since it's not in-game, but some source-model-viewer thingy. --[[User:TGYoshi|TGYoshi]] 09:35, 25 October 2011 (UTC)
I mean... How are we going to diferenciate these two identical things? Something like "Royal Jelly Crown (Furniture)" & "Royal Jelly Crown (Helmet)" ?
::But it could be really useful to be able to include bigger HD pictures of only the monsters/weapons/items/etc... to improve the wiki. I mean, with a picture of the model itself, we can have better and more especific pictures of what we wants to include in the wiki, and not just a screenshot with bad quality taken in the game...
I want you also to check my solution of the [[Furniture#Armero.27s_Furniture_List|"Furniture <-> Tokens"]] problem, please. Disambiguation pages everywhere!
:: I'm not sure if I have explained correctly what I want to say... But I'm just imagining possibilities... --[[User:Klaus7|Klauser]] 11:59, 25 October 2011 (UTC+1)
:::Sounds like cheating the displays to me. By the way, did you read the note at uploading pictures? ''"Wiki images illustrating articles need to be in-game images. Please do NOT upload Spyral-Spy images as they will be deleted."'' Seems like you didn't. --[[User:TGYoshi|TGYoshi]] 10:18, 25 October 2011 (UTC)
Which is the correct way of uploading HQ icons for the things that are missing them? I'mean.. are they really in-game captures or there is an other oficial way of getting them? I usually just sit down waiting for someone to upload a very nice and HQ looking icon for the items, but sometimes (like now) i feel just a little impatient, XDD.
::::In fact, in the Spanish interface of the wiki's uploading screen doesn't say absolutely nothing about it. Does not even say anything like that in the [[SpiralKnights:Style_guide#Screenshots_and_images|standars uploading Screenshots and images]]... So sorry for this little mess, but understand that I could not know anything about that before. (Try it, changing your languaje into Spanish in your Preferences and then enter in any Upload Image page... You will not see any warning at all.)
--[[User:Klaus7|Klauser]] 07:51, 14 December 2012 (UTC)
:::: However, using this program can perfectly simulate the game environment, so I do not see much sense to the rule of just screenshots. Especially if many images of monsters today have poor quality and could be improved infinitely rendering models of the game ...  For the record, I'm just thinking about the quality of the wiki. I do not understand why to waste a material that is part of the game legitimately. --[[User:Klaus7|Klauser]] 12:25, 25 October 2011 (UTC+1)
:Just make the page "Royal Jelly Crown (Furniture)". The helmet should stay were it is since I would imagine most people would be looking for that than the furniture. --[[User:Trying|Trying]] 04:39, 14 December 2012 (UTC)
::::: However, however, however, it's quite clear that it's not really allowed. To be fair, I prefer in-game images over 'spiral-spy' images. They are more natural. It's just cheap to get the stuff you want straight out of the game's source. --[[User:TGYoshi|TGYoshi]] 10:46, 25 October 2011 (UTC)
::Thx, but what about the images/icons? Is anyone there? [[User:Klaus7|Klauser]] 02:36, 16 December 2012 (UTC)
:::::: Unless you're the same person as Equinox, I think it is best to wait for him to respond (Even if he thinks like you, I think to discuss with you on HIS talk page makes no sense, I came here to talk to him after all, right?). Even if it is not allowed, my interface to the wiki tells me nothing about that, so from my point of view (based on what I see) there is a mistake somewhere, because for me, upload these pictures is not only permitted, but nobody suggests otherwise anywhere (except you now and probably Equinox in the near future)... Until then, maybe I'm doing nothing but waiting... --[[User:Klaus7|Klauser]] 13:25, 25 October 2011 (UTC+1)
::Trying's correct.  For things with the exact same name, if one is more known/popular than the other it can be at the plain name and the other item(s) can have (blah) added into their names. --[[User:Equinox|Equinox]] 23:29, 9 February 2013 (UTC)
::::::: So.. I can conclude you've ''actually'' 'posted' this talk on the wrong talk page. Maybe the Vog Cub monster talk page fits much better. Since I love discussing with you about why 'spiral-spy' is bad.
== Laurel needs an equipment image. ==
::::::: By the way, I would feel a bit sad if all of my uploaded images were replaced by cheap 'spiral-spy' images. Really. Waste of my time. --[[User:TGYoshi|TGYoshi]] 11:32, 25 October 2011 (UTC)
:::::::: "Actually" there's not a ''Vog Cub Monster Talk Page'' just a few lines in the Wolver Talk Page and... as I can see, here (in the Equinox Talk Page) there's a lot of more material about the Vog Cub than there. In fact I have posted this talk here because it was just a question to Equinox and a talk with him. For me in not a question about if it is cheaper or not... It's just a question about what is better, but I really understand you, I know what is to work very hard in something and to not want it to be changed at any prize... As I have said before, I'm just waiting for Equinox to enlighten me ideas on how I should proceed from now on in this matter.--[[User:Klaus7|Klauser]] 14:00, 25 October 2011 (UTC+1)
::::::::: Whatever, do what you want, but the English upload page already told you the answer. I'm almost sure Equinox will say the same as I did (and the upload page..). --[[User:TGYoshi|TGYoshi]] 12:03, 25 October 2011 (UTC)
We need the equipment image for the Golden Laurel if you could add it. (Bit late to the party! Completely forgot about it!) Thanks.
:::::::::: Sure he will. Just trying to tell you that you can stop responding in this talk because I'll wait for his answer anyway (while clarifying that your argument about my location error was not successful). But now seriously, please stop responding for Equinox because I do not intend, or have pretend, even tried to argue and get angry over trifles with other partners for something so stupid like this. Anyway if you have so much free time as to be here, you could help me with a simple project like the [[Visual_Encyclopedia/Equipment|visual encyclopedia of equipment]].--[[User:Klaus7|Klauser]] 14:44, 25 October 2011 (UTC+1)
[[User:Acies|Acies]] 15:57, 7 January 2013 (UTC)
::::::::::: The images from the preview are much higher quality, to the point that you can see how low quality the textures in Spiral Knights actually are. If you do take pictures with the previewer, it's better to do it in a way so that it looks natural, at the very least. ANd with that, the images look much better and you can see more of a lot of things, like weapons, with it and it would provide much clearer pictures for things like the Troika line. There is absolutely no harm in having better pictures. Oppressing anything that would result in higher quality, much like Three Rings' handling of the entire Suggestions subsection, would just hinder higher wiki quality, and that's just a nono. Just super saiyan. [[User:Magnus|Magnus]] 18:00, 25 October 2011 (UTC)
:I've popped in a standardized one for the base that shows up on accessory as well as one for the table on the page. --[[User:Equinox|Equinox]] 19:39, 9 February 2013 (UTC)
:::::::::::: While the picture is defiantly of superior quality and value, it violates the recent "In Game Images" rule. Therefore, no, it should not be up here, and should have never been uploaded. The creators of this game have a set way they want this game to be ran, and in no way do we have the right to violate that. So I kind of agree with Magnus, and I kind of don't. It is a nice image, but it just shouldn't be here. --[[User:Kazamh|Kazamh]] 20:46, 25 October 2011 (UTC)
== Regarding Staff exclusive items and equipment ==
::::::::::::: 1. I will not upload any photo more taken using the spiral spy.
I have a few I've been wanting to create the page for, such as Boswick's helmet and shield from back in the Preview Event, along with a certain troika variant which I've speculated the name of. (but seeing as its speculation, and the name came from a shifty, not-ingame source I'm thinking against mentioning it) Should I just create the pages under a made-up name, and then you correct the name like you did here?: http://wiki.spiralknights.com/index.php?title=The_Ban_Stick&diff=next&oldid=14803 <br>
I'm also wondering whether to give the Shadow Expresso a page of its own or put it on the [[Pickups]] page. The latter seems more logical, but I'm thinking maybe it shouldn't go there because the majority of players won't ever encounter it. --[[User:HexZyle|HexZyle]] 12:21, 4 February 2013 (UTC)
::::::::::::: 2. It's actually really easy to make an image of the program resembles one obtained in the game (albeit with a higher quality)-> Look at the changes I have made on the original picture that I have uploaded of the model.
:I'm not sure it's useful to document things that people have not seen in game since the preview. I'm definitely sure that they shouldn't go on main lists of things.  I also do not want you adding things that have not been seen in game or that have solely been picked out from the game files. I only did the ban stick since it is seen by players on a regular basis when GM assistance is needed. --[[User:Equinox|Equinox]] 19:43, 9 February 2013 (UTC)
::::::::::::: 3. I think I know why they have designed this rule. Simply viewing the models you can see content even not implementing yet in the game and they want to avoid spoilers.
::I thought it would be of interest to players to see what was in the game back then. (Not to mention a few such items appear both on the original Trailer as well as on the media section of the website; Seriously lol, those images are quite outdated) You say "not useful", so does that mean that to create a page on the wiki, an article requires ingame utility?
::And I'm not adding anything found solely in the files that hasn't been seen ingame ever. There are quite a few items that have popped up in various old images from back around the preview event, and from SGA's old wikidot site. The thing I'm the most curious about is that bright white shield that was shown at the Three Rings presentation which was intended to be a branch off from the Defender series. If I'm not mistaken, I saw Boswick with it in a screenshot that I forgot to save, and I believe it was called something along the lines of "Shining Ward" --[[User:HexZyle|HexZyle]] 17:15, 22 March 2013 (UTC)
::::::::::::: 4. That rule really should be advised in all languages ​​or interfaces to avoid problems like this. If no one tells me anything I have no way of knowing that there is a rule like this.
:::Feel free to keep documenting things that have been seen in game, but I can tell you that generally this would be basically last priority in terms of things I would assist with so you'll need to glean the information yourself. --[[User:Equinox|Equinox]] 21:30, 31 March 2013 (UTC)
::::::::::::: 5. Being precise, It could be designed a Java application with the functionalities of the Three Rings Model Viewer and upload the images obtained with it? That would not be using the Spiral Spy ... While certainly they also are not screenshots of the game .. XDD
::::Ah, I see, so it's more a matter of "there are more important things I could be working on, I don't have time to gather data for things the majority of players are not going to see ingame", So I'll make sure that I have absolute certainty on all information and the officialism of sources for these pages before submitting them then. Thanks for your input. --[[User:HexZyle|HexZyle]] 10:37, 7 April 2013 (UTC)
::::::::::::: 6. I am still interested in knowing the opinion of Equinox himself, since I don't know if that rule on the images is permanent or just a provisonal measure. I don't know neither who is responsible for the administration of the wiki and to what extent if could be possible to dialogue with them about this. --[[User:Klaus7|Klaus7]] 23:58, 25 October 2011 (UTC+1)
== Kat Claw Cowl image on Kat Claw Mask page ==
:: As other editors have pointed out to you, SpyralSpy is not an approved image source for the wiki.  In general, the editing community is aware of rules such as this; especially when backed up by references such as the official messages like on the English upload page.  The rule about images is current.  It may be revisited in the future at which time I would check with the wiki editing community on their opinions, but any arguments/debates over the topic at the present time are just theoretical (but you can feel free to talk about it in the forum thread from earlier at http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/28604). When/if the Vog Cub is put back into the game, I will know, so faking images using SpyralSpy will not be helpful. --[[User:Equinox|Equinox]] 00:06, 26 October 2011 (UTC)
Hello, on my first foray into posting an image on this wiki, I goofed.
I uploaded the image of the Kat Eye Cowl to the Kat Eye Mask page.  I tried to fix it, but won't let me load two of the same images to the wiki (with good reason, I'm sure) and I can't seem to figure out how to get the image from the Kat Eye Mask page to the Kat Eye Cowl page.
::: No problem. Now I just want to clarify a few things. I was not trying to fake the image, just to prove how far they could get to be more natural and similar to the in-game ones without losing its quality (just to prove we can do a good job with some effort). I have read the forum and I completely agree with the decision of the administration (and stating that I was able to understand his reasoning before reading it, see my point 3 above, XDD) so I'd suggest an update to the image upload page so in all languages ​​contain the same warnings and rules specified, and also should be updated the page  of [[SpiralKnights:Style_guide#Screenshots_and_images|standars uploading Screenshots and images]]. With this and waiting for the pending review of this rule, here I end this ordeal. Thanks everybody and sorry for my English, I think sometimes it makes me seem more harsh than I really am. -_- --[[User:Klaus7|Klauser]] 08:41, 26 October 2011 (UTC)
I appreciate any help you may have.
== UzerPage deletion ==
Thank you
yup, gonna need that page back >,< thank you! for your consideration!
== A complaint ==
:I've deleted various images.  You should be able to upload the correct ones or you can wait for someone else to do it if you cannot figure it out. --[[User:Equinox|Equinox]] 23:27, 9 February 2013 (UTC)
I was recently checking my vanity page and I found out on the the templates on my page was modified to something else. It's under my gear progress tab and it's kinda weird...Saying saints row every new row. --[[User:Vlad|Vlad]] 17:38, 30 October 2011 (UTC)
== What time is it? ==
:It looks like someone vandalized [[Template:Star]]. I undid the offending revision so it should go back to normal. If it hasn't, try editing your page, that should force it to update. ~[[User:Katmint|<b><font color="red">K</font><font color="orange">a</font><font color="jade">t</font><font color="sky blue">m</font><font color="blue">i</font><font color="purple">n</font><font color="fuchsia">t</font></b>]] 17:45, 30 October 2011 (UTC)
== Apology On Guild Page ==
I'm a bit confused about what time things happened on this wiki relative to myself. Except for a bit last night, I've been using the server time, but then I decided to change that so it matches up with my time, but I have no idea how this works. Are edits on the Recent Changes page real-time? or delayed? If so, by how much? Because this is what I saw when changing the time: A new edit comes in, and the page says 00:34, I take this to mean midnight ''somewhere'', it was currently 03:34 for me on the east coast, 3 hours difference. Current server time was 08:34, a difference of 8 hours. I update my preferences to -05:00 as that's my current timezone, the preferences page states 08:34 as server, 03:34 as my time, this is correct. But now that edit says: 19:34, it's moved back 6 hours, not 5? I've currently set it to +03:00 because that seems to match up to me, assuming the pages are real-time. --[[User:Lithium31337|Lithium31337]] 20:33, 6 February 2013 (UTC)
Please do not manipulate, or encourage others to manipulate, the wiki pageviews. I have reset your guild page to 0 views. Do not do it again. --Equinox 22:50, 28 September 2011 (UTC)
This is getting even weirder, I preview this page with my sig, and it states: 20:31. It is currently 15:31, 5 hours ahead of current. Which might make sense timezone wise, but I'm set to +03:00...so it should be 2 or 8 hours difference one way or the other right? Assuming it is offset, then server time is 2 hours ahead of me? Checking the Date and Time section, server time is 20:31, so sig time stamps aren't offset? Is there a list of things that are and aren't offset?
Sorry for doing this. I originally thought that it would increase our guild popularity. However, I now realize that this is not the right way to gain guild fame. Thank-you for resetting the views and it will not happen again! --Dilinaw 18:07, 31 October 2011 (USE)
:Signatures use UTC which is pretty much what used to be called GMT. As for recent changes, it's just wonky for all of us and I don't think there's anything I can do to fix it. You could always just fool around with the offset until it shows your current time in recent changes for the most recent edits.  Due to the possibility of issues, I tend to just ignore the timestamp as the wiki's history for things will show things in the order that they happened. --[[User:Equinox|Equinox]] 23:26, 9 February 2013 (UTC)
I have warned all guild members to discontinue manipulating wiki pageviews. Neither I nor guild members will ever manipulate the views of any wiki pages in the future. However, if another user tries to manipulate our guild page views please feel free to deal with them accordingly. This occurrence won't happen with me or any other guild member, but please make sure nobody else tries to do so. Thanks so much for the help! --Dilinaw 11:47, 27 November 2011 (USE)
== Need your insight on something: ==
== Ok ==
Thanks for that the image comeing up now. -Eievu
Involving Equipment images on the Wiki and the new 3D Renders in the recent update. Also, glad to see you back!
== Request to update image ==
--  [[User:Acies|Acies]] 18:15, 9 February 2013 (UTC)
Hi Equinox, I have uploaded a new logo for my guild. Can you updated it please?  Link is below:
:I've chimed in. --[[User:Equinox|Equinox]] 23:26, 9 February 2013 (UTC)
== Padlock-red.svg ==
Browsing [[Special:WantedFiles]] I come across [http://wiki.spiralknights.com/File:Padlock-red.svg Padlock-red.svg], so I make one and try to upload it but the wiki doesn't allow svg, so my question is, what should I do?
:Just ignore it. --[[User:Equinox|Equinox]] 20:17, 17 February 2013 (UTC)
==Request to move page "Fewz" to make it a "user" page==
Hi Equinox; can you switch my personal page called Fewz to the section where it actually become a user page? I believe i've saved is as a regular page.
== Saber notices little details from pressing the "random page" button a lot ==
Thank you in advance...
== Page moving ==
'''Crystal Bomb'''
this line has a bunch of outdated info, and the first one has the wrong damage info. It should be elemental, not piercing.
Not sure what you're talking about, haven't done any editing for a while now.
Equinox, the
if you're talking about old stuffs I've refined my editing, so I move and create redirects.
otherwise sorry.
== wiki botched ==
== Serious error... ==
whats going on with the wiki? the menu sidebar thing keeps getting pushed to the bottom of the page underneath any body content
If you haven't noticed, then it's only me experiencing this error. If you have noticed... you probably don't need me to explain it... what happened to all the images on the wiki? --[[User:HexZyle|HexZyle]] 14:08, 4 April 2013 (UTC)
:I remember this happening once. I'm gonna throw in a support ticket and see if Clotho can take care of it.--[[User:Trying|Trying]] 15:36, 4 April 2013 (UTC)
:Looks fine to me in various browsers.  Are you still having this issue? --[[User:Equinox|Equinox]] 19:35, 4 December 2011 (UTC)
== This entire section needs updating ==
::Still doing it, looks like its for firefox only though (checked in S, IE, and GC) --[[User:TheTric|TheTric]] 00:45, 13 December 2011 (UTC)
== Drab -> Military ==
Is there any Wiki admin magic that can rename all the Drab stuff to Military, or does it need to be done manually? ~[[User:Katmint|<b><font color="red">K</font><font color="orange">a</font><font color="jade">t</font><font color="sky blue">m</font><font color="blue">i</font><font color="purple">n</font><font color="fuchsia">t</font></b>]] 04:08, 6 December 2011 (UTC)
I'd do it myself but when I tried to re-upload the "Vial Belt" it just gave me another copy of your previous upload. It didn't say it was protected but yeah. If you can re-upload everything suited to the new UI (including Vials, Pills, and Mecha Kit) that'd be great.
:Sad to say, it has to be done manually! --[[User:Equinox|Equinox]] 20:37, 7 December 2011 (UTC)
EDIT: Including this too: http://wiki.spiralknights.com/File:HUD-1_vitapod.png
::Aw okay, just making sure before I do any of it. :P ~[[User:Katmint|<b><font color="red">K</font><font color="orange">a</font><font color="jade">t</font><font color="sky blue">m</font><font color="blue">i</font><font color="purple">n</font><font color="fuchsia">t</font></b>]] 21:02, 8 December 2011 (UTC)
Like I said, I'd do it but I assume all your uploads are instantly protected?
== >,< Sorry about that ==
[[User:Acies|Acies]] 04:47, 7 April 2013 (UTC)
I actually wasn't trying to edit the sk pages when that one happened. you will noticed that I did eventually edit them to allow color changes, but I was originally just looking at code for color referencing ^_^
== Proto Armor Icons ==
I did noticed the error and went through and fix all the affected pages though >,<
--[[user:TheTric|TheTric]] 00:48, 13 December 2011 (UTC)
== Failure to update? ==
I tried to do something fancy and make a gif of the different proto armor themes (also the current icons are a tad outdated, they look like they're from the Preview Event, I have some images I can upload but I'm wondering which theme to use) and I came up with this: [[File:Proto_Armor_Animated-icon.gif|32px]]. The issue is, the Armor page template (and the Armor Stat template on the side of the page with all the armor info in it) are set to automatically grab the PNG file that matches the armor name. But my animated file is a GIF, so I've kinda struck a solid wall with what to do. (P.S, that file isn't animating on this page as it is when you blow it up full size :/ is that happening for you?) --[[User:HexZyle|HexZyle]] 10:53, 28 April 2013 (UTC)
ive made a theme edit on my guilds page and its not showing up to those not logged in.
:The reason it doesn't animate is due to how to wiki handles resizing gifs. Use it at normal, non scaled size and it will animate, but if it's re-sized it creates a flat non-animating version of the gif for display. --[[User:Lithium31337|Lithium31337]] 17:03, 28 April 2013 (UTC)
not sure if this a procedural issue, but thought I should mention if pages aren't updating
::Darn. Thanks though. --[[User:HexZyle|HexZyle]] 17:47, 28 April 2013 (UTC)
:It's just a wiki issue.  It's been mentioned numerous times and is included in the list here: http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/8907 --[[User:Equinox|Equinox]] 01:11, 15 December 2011 (UTC)
== Spiral Spy Images Uploaded ==
== Greetings! ==
I've left a note on his talk page. --[[User:HexZyle|HexZyle]] 16:08, 28 April 2013 (UTC)
Hello there! I noticed you are the only admin here, and that a lot of the pages are in disarray. (well, compared to what I'm used of)
== OCH ==
(I also noticed that you're using a handle that is an alternate of one of mine :/ and someone has got the name "Xoniuqe" taken as well :/ Oh well, I don't own that term so I can't complain, however I would be furious if someone stole "HexZyle")
Can I add a screenshot to the OCH picture gallery? {{unsigned|Ninjadrill}}
:Feel free - the page is still lacking and could benefit from some images --[[User:HexZyle|HexZyle]] 21:41, 13 May 2013 (UTC)
I hail from the [http://www.minecraftwiki.net Minecraft Wiki] under the [http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/User:HexZyle same name] and after retiring from that site due to the excessive editing (2000 edits in the 6 months I was there) consuming all my spare time, I discovered that this site would benefit from some edits.
== Old Icons ==
It has come to my attention that there is a lot of work that needs to be done about the statistics on this site, since unlike minecraft, and much to my dismay, we are not allowed to view the source code of the game, (decompiling is against the [[Terms of Service]] boohoo) getting a hold of numbers has to be a trial and error thing, not actual algorithms.
Any way to grab all the old icons easily? or would I have to save each manually?
:Manual. Only other "easy" way would be to make a page that has them all full size and save that. --[[User:Equinox|Equinox]] 04:40, 25 May 2013 (UTC)
I happen to be extremely obsessed with statistics and compiling of data, and an example of my work can be seen on the minecraftwiki [http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Experience Experience] page as well as some other [http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/User_talk:HexZyle/Projects/Damage_Update projects]. At the moment, I'm working on the [[User:HexZyle|UV probabilities]], but soon I hope to start on the Status Condition infliction probabilities and damage tables.
== Advertisers love the New Player Briefing ==
I look forward to working on this wiki on the future. :)
[http://wiki.spiralknights.com/Special:Contributions/Gooseexpedi Another advertiser] ~[[User:Katmint|<b><font color="red">K</font><font color="orange">a</font><font color="jade">t</font><font color="sky blue">m</font><font color="blue">i</font><font color="purple">n</font><font color="fuchsia">t</font></b>]] 23:57, 15 August 2013 (UTC)
--[[User:HexZyle|HexZyle]] 07:24, 20 December 2011 (UTC)
:[http://wiki.spiralknights.com/Special:Contributions/Ticottetha And another one] ~[[User:Katmint|<b><font color="red">K</font><font color="orange">a</font><font color="jade">t</font><font color="sky blue">m</font><font color="blue">i</font><font color="purple">n</font><font color="fuchsia">t</font></b>]] 23:57, 15 August 2013 (UTC)
:Just one question. For my table of UV results I need a customised template (to allow for easy entry of field names - a wikitable requires you to know what column you are writing in. I've created the [[User:HexZyle/GunUVstart|header]], albeit a scrappy one, for the table, I just need your help making a field entry template. --[[User:HexZyle|HexZyle]] 08:51, 20 December 2011 (UTC)
== release rss ==
:Oh, and another: Am I allowed to retrieve the model files from the Spiral Knights install location and run them in Blender in order to generate them in 3D on a plain background without clutter? Like this: [http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/File:Cow.png Minecraft Blender Rendering of a cow from model files] Or would that be against terms of service? If it is, are you allowed to do it? --[[User:HexZyle|HexZyle]] 21:55, 20 December 2011 (UTC)
I have an idea for a page.
Basically people can subscribe to the RSS feed of the page changes, and the page will be updated with release notes whenever spiral knights is updated. It will need to be managed by a GM or someone who can change it as soon as the update releases.
== [[Travel Passes]] ==
::The wiki is meant to document the game, so images should be taken from the game to show what players see there. There is already a program that someone created using Blender or something, search for Spiral-Spy on the forums.
Would you ever consider undeleting this page for historical interest? Or was the page just a stub? --[[User:HexZyle|HexZyle]] 09:44, 31 October 2013 (UTC)
:It's actually no longer archived so even I cannot view what used to be there. --[[User:Equinox|Equinox]] 18:13, 9 February 2014 (UTC)
::Okay. I've noticed a lot of weird stuff going on in this wiki. For example, roughly only about the last 500 edits to the wiki are compiled on the recent changes list (and thus, on your watchlist) and thus after 10-15 days the edit will disappear off both and you'll only know of it the next time you check that page's history page. --[[User:HexZyle|HexZyle]] 08:42, 10 February 2014 (UTC)
::As for your data collection and compilation desires, you should post in the wiki section of the forum to see what others have figured out so far and to work collectively with the rest of the wiki editing community.  There are a number of folks that have done various bits of testing.  --[[User:Equinox|Equinox]] 19:58, 1 January 2012 (UTC)
== Mass Image Reverts ==
:::Thanks for the tips, I'll get around to looking that up as soon as I can :) --[[User:HexZyle|HexZyle]] 23:50, 3 January 2012 (UTC)
Do you have the ability to clean the images out of the database, in cases like this? http://wiki.spiralknights.com/File:GuildLogo-Falling_Stars.png --[[User:HexZyle|HexZyle]] 18:21, 16 February 2014 (UTC)
:::And what's the deal with that "Do not upload new images, or repeatedly revert them" thingy? Sounds like a cache problem...and that's old wiki news. That's a client side error, not a server side. --[[User:HexZyle|HexZyle]] 06:34, 4 January 2012 (UTC)
::::It's not.  There is a server issue with uploading new copies of already existing images, as the note says. --[[User:Equinox|Equinox]] 03:06, 11 January 2012 (UTC)
:::::That's certainly odd...Explains why there isn't any upload history on current images. Any idea what's causing it? --[[User:HexZyle|HexZyle]] 09:12, 11 January 2012 (UTC)
== making wiki guild page for knights errant ==
::::::I delete extraneous copies of images because generally people uploading multiple times just sit and hit revert numerous times.  The wiki uses a content distribution system, so it's probably some sort of issue with that. You can see the list of known issues in the forum at http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/8907. --[[User:Equinox|Equinox]] 02:13, 12 January 2012 (UTC)
I've written up lists and content text, designed and formatted our logo. I have 2 unrelated web sites out there so have some  experience but simply can't figure how to make this stuff into a spiffy wiki guild page from the template "guildinfo".  
:::::::The multiple revert issue was also a problem on the minecraftwiki...although I'm not sure if it was the same cause. The admins were always telling reverters to delete and reload their cache, so that they could see the updated image. I have yet to upload an image here.
Please help.  
== Clarification of the purpose of this page ==
(Lots of guild founders must have the same trouble. I'm savvy. What about those who have not a clue about posting and need to put out their guild page? There outa be a law!!! :-))
Greetings Equinox,
==Updating an old Admin Forum Thread==
Hello, check out [http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/1264?page=1#comment-980538 comment # 71] in [http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/1264 Forum Node 1264]. I'd like to link to this: [[:Template:Note-Things to Do|Things to Do]] instead of those two smaller pages, so casual forumers/editors can be updated and help out easily. That is, if you think this is a good thing to do. -[[User:Novaster|Novaster]] 00:58, 10 February 2015 (UTC)
I am confused about the actual purpose of this page. Is the purpose of this page specifically for formatting and information on ''this wiki'', or is it for asking about information about the actual Spiral Knights game as well? I ask this so I do not post any unfitting questions on this page in the future. --[[User:Axzorgan|Axzorgan]]
== HELP! ==
:A talk page is generally used for conversation related to the wiki. This includes things regarding the User's edits, or advice on things that the user is working on. I've heard that "as long as it's related to the wiki, it's ok to talk about on the talk page". We don't want Equinox's talkpage ending up like this: [http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/User_talk:Jeb Jeb's Minecraftwiki talk page], or Notch's talk page, which was deleted because of spam. GMs probably keep themselves uncontactable when it comes to the game to prevent swarming and being asked about things that don't even concern them, such as new develepment for the game or being asked to reveal spoilers etc. I'm pretty sure if you had something to ask Equinox, there's probably a heap of admins on the forum that could answer you question. (sorry if i sound offensive) --[[User:HexZyle|HexZyle]] 02:05, 21 January 2012 (UTC)
:However, I guess it depends on the question. (and what Equinox is willing to allow on their page) --[[User:HexZyle|HexZyle]] 02:14, 21 January 2012 (UTC)
:Axzorgan, this page is used to communicate with me.  Mostly about the wiki (anything from formatting to images to content), but if you had a dire need to ask me something, that would work too.  For general things about the game as it pertains to your own gameplay, you are better off sticking with the [http://forums.spiralknights.com/ forums].  --[[User:Equinox|Equinox]] 03:21, 25 January 2012 (UTC)
== Hey Equinox ==
Hey sorry for the disturbance with the constant creating of the page
Ok nevermind i fixed it --[[User:1462|1462]] 02:27, 31 May 2015 (UTC)
It wont happen again and also wondering, how do you make a talk page?
:The version you uploaded is a nonsense image and does not belong on the wiki. It is fortunate that you reverted it, but the fact you uploaded [http://media.spiralknights.com/wiki-images/archive/9/9a/20150531014153!Icon_status_curse.png this] in the first place is quite worrying. -[[User:Novaster|Novaster]] 05:45, 31 May 2015 (UTC)
See you around! JazzList :D
== A question about an official image ==
I want to know about the official image's meaning. I want to upload [http://wiki.spiralknights.com/File:Torto_Feb2014.png this] to the spanish wiki as "SpiralKnights_News_106-big.png". It is allowed?. Also, to make the same question here, should i reupload the image as "SpiralKnights_News_106-big.png" here in the english wiki too?. --[[User:HikaruFer|Hikaru]] 22:47, 27 August 2015 (UTC)
My page: [[User:JazzList]]
:Sadly, Equinox hasn't been around for a while. It might be quiiiiite a long time before you get a response. My hunch is this would be fine for the sake of consistency, but you might want to ask via support, or leave a message on [[User_talk:Clotho|Clotho's Talk Page]]. Clotho is very busy atm, but you'll have better luck with a response there. --[[User:Novaster|Novaster]] 23:02, 27 August 2015 (UTC)
::Yes, i trough the same but i forgot Clotho was in the english's wiki too xD. I just leave her the msg right now. At least this is not an important issue and by the time she reply me wouldn't be "late" xD. I will use the small image meanwhile. Thx! --[[User:HikaruFer|Hikaru]] 23:16, 27 August 2015 (UTC)
http://wiki.spiralknights.com/Special:Contributions/DeltaCrow [[User:Magnus|Magnus]] 18:32, 14 February 2012 (UTC)

Latest revision as of 23:16, 27 August 2015

10:33 UTC

Welcome to my talk page.

Archived discussions can be found here, here, here, and here. If you have a suggestion for Spiral Knights, please use the Suggestions Forum instead. If you need assistance with your account, use the links on the Support Portal to get help.

User page tutorial

I've made a user page tutorial which outlines basic wiki and html conventions, and a template for people to use for their user pages. It would be good if this was added to the main page or some other place. Are there any categories I can add it to?

It would also be good if you or someone else checked it out to make sure it is all correct. http://wiki.spiralknights.com/User_Page_Tutorial

Thanks! Sshs 03:53, 3 August 2012 (UTC)

I think there should be a guide to creating user page/guild page

Hello, from my experience in spiral knights i think still many players dont know about existence of guild pages/user pages and how to create ones (some of them dont know about wikipedia existence). It would be nice if on the front page there would be a link (maybe in Social Compendium table) to a article which would be a quick guide how to do a guild page/user page. In that article there would be a short introduction to making wiki page and then there could be a list of existing user page/guild page templates.

Also i think it would be good to make wikipedia more popular amongst players, something what OOO can do is send out system mail as spiral HQ to inform about Spiral Knights wikipedia and its features (lot of information and mention of guild pages and user pages). Asukalan

Lol, look at the post above you. Sshs 03:26, 10 August 2012 (UTC)

Green Leafy Aura Icon

Greetings Equi

I tried to upload the icon but couldn't upload the PNG file. Converted to GIF then uploaded it. Looks weird resized now :V

Green Leafy Aura Check the difference Twilight Aura

T_T can you turn it to PNG? Every time I do, I get the same error.

It's probably due to your image editor saving the format differently than the wiki recognizes. I'll take care of it soon if nobody else has gotten it before me. --Equinox 19:03, 22 August 2012 (UTC)

Hello, this is Apophis-Set

I am the one who asked if it were possible to reclaim a hacked account. I recently found out my friend sold everything I owned and sent it to his account, "firefistace", as well as his other friend, "Wolfx-ten" I have spent a lot of money (around $400) and I was wondering if I can talk to a game master to somehow restore my account to how it was previously. http://wiki.spiralknights.com/User:Ancientdusk1/Apophis-Set This game means a lot to me, as I have spent a lot of my collected money on it. Please let me know if it is possible for a game master to restore all the things on it. Thank you! -Apophis-Set-

Content won't show

Hello there!

So I am pretty new to editing my Wiki page.

I have a problem. All the content I have written on my user page won't show. I don't understand why. I have Googled it, asked on forums and in Havens. Could you please spell this out for me?


Equipment pictures

Is there a reason pictures -have- to be taken from the Character window? Yes, it is advised because you can usually get the best view on them there - but there are a few where this just doesn't work. I can understand if it is meant to look uniform, but uniformity at the cost of praticality beats it's own purpose. I am namingly refering to pictures like the Warmaster Rocket Hammer and the Argent Peacemaker.

Srry to bother u Equniox

I really need your help on this one i created my guild page but it got screwed up so can u help me delete Paranoida (Guild) page so i can restart on a new one asap?

I think i figured it out already somehow and srry to bother u again

oh shit it is extremely screwed up can u plz help me delete it or do something to help cos i somehow moved the page to deleted then i can't revert back

Plz do not take this as a spam Equinox

Im sorry that i have created two other pages called Deleted and Paranoida(Guild) by accident srry for the extra work Equinox but plz delete it and just to let u know i have solved my wiki problems already

Category name change

Could you please move the category via this link? http://wiki.spiralknights.com/Special:MovePage/Category:Shocking-Themed
Rename it to "Category:Surge-Themed" seeing as that's the name of all the costume/accessory gear.
There also seems to be some strange happenings about the wiki. As soon as I visit a page, it won't change from how it was when I first visited it, some sort of server issue where it isn't refreshing correctly? The source displays correct. (and hence doesn't match up to what I see on the mainspace) Even if I'm logged in, it still says up the top right "log in" (and I have to press "view source" in order to edit pages).
This seems really strange. I tried refreshing my cache with F5 to no avail. --HexZyle 10:21, 18 November 2012 (UTC)

DOUBLE Royal Jelly Crown

By entering this page you will immediately understand the problem for sure: Royal Jelly Crown (disambiguation)

I mean... How are we going to diferenciate these two identical things? Something like "Royal Jelly Crown (Furniture)" & "Royal Jelly Crown (Helmet)" ?

I want you also to check my solution of the "Furniture <-> Tokens" problem, please. Disambiguation pages everywhere!

Which is the correct way of uploading HQ icons for the things that are missing them? I'mean.. are they really in-game captures or there is an other oficial way of getting them? I usually just sit down waiting for someone to upload a very nice and HQ looking icon for the items, but sometimes (like now) i feel just a little impatient, XDD.

--Klauser 07:51, 14 December 2012 (UTC)

Just make the page "Royal Jelly Crown (Furniture)". The helmet should stay were it is since I would imagine most people would be looking for that than the furniture. --Trying 04:39, 14 December 2012 (UTC)
Thx, but what about the images/icons? Is anyone there? Klauser 02:36, 16 December 2012 (UTC)
Trying's correct. For things with the exact same name, if one is more known/popular than the other it can be at the plain name and the other item(s) can have (blah) added into their names. --Equinox 23:29, 9 February 2013 (UTC)

Laurel needs an equipment image.


We need the equipment image for the Golden Laurel if you could add it. (Bit late to the party! Completely forgot about it!) Thanks.

Acies 15:57, 7 January 2013 (UTC)

I've popped in a standardized one for the base that shows up on accessory as well as one for the table on the page. --Equinox 19:39, 9 February 2013 (UTC)

Regarding Staff exclusive items and equipment

I have a few I've been wanting to create the page for, such as Boswick's helmet and shield from back in the Preview Event, along with a certain troika variant which I've speculated the name of. (but seeing as its speculation, and the name came from a shifty, not-ingame source I'm thinking against mentioning it) Should I just create the pages under a made-up name, and then you correct the name like you did here?: http://wiki.spiralknights.com/index.php?title=The_Ban_Stick&diff=next&oldid=14803
I'm also wondering whether to give the Shadow Expresso a page of its own or put it on the Pickups page. The latter seems more logical, but I'm thinking maybe it shouldn't go there because the majority of players won't ever encounter it. --HexZyle 12:21, 4 February 2013 (UTC)

I'm not sure it's useful to document things that people have not seen in game since the preview. I'm definitely sure that they shouldn't go on main lists of things. I also do not want you adding things that have not been seen in game or that have solely been picked out from the game files. I only did the ban stick since it is seen by players on a regular basis when GM assistance is needed. --Equinox 19:43, 9 February 2013 (UTC)
I thought it would be of interest to players to see what was in the game back then. (Not to mention a few such items appear both on the original Trailer as well as on the media section of the website; Seriously lol, those images are quite outdated) You say "not useful", so does that mean that to create a page on the wiki, an article requires ingame utility?
And I'm not adding anything found solely in the files that hasn't been seen ingame ever. There are quite a few items that have popped up in various old images from back around the preview event, and from SGA's old wikidot site. The thing I'm the most curious about is that bright white shield that was shown at the Three Rings presentation which was intended to be a branch off from the Defender series. If I'm not mistaken, I saw Boswick with it in a screenshot that I forgot to save, and I believe it was called something along the lines of "Shining Ward" --HexZyle 17:15, 22 March 2013 (UTC)
Feel free to keep documenting things that have been seen in game, but I can tell you that generally this would be basically last priority in terms of things I would assist with so you'll need to glean the information yourself. --Equinox 21:30, 31 March 2013 (UTC)
Ah, I see, so it's more a matter of "there are more important things I could be working on, I don't have time to gather data for things the majority of players are not going to see ingame", So I'll make sure that I have absolute certainty on all information and the officialism of sources for these pages before submitting them then. Thanks for your input. --HexZyle 10:37, 7 April 2013 (UTC)

Kat Claw Cowl image on Kat Claw Mask page

Hello, on my first foray into posting an image on this wiki, I goofed.

I uploaded the image of the Kat Eye Cowl to the Kat Eye Mask page. I tried to fix it, but won't let me load two of the same images to the wiki (with good reason, I'm sure) and I can't seem to figure out how to get the image from the Kat Eye Mask page to the Kat Eye Cowl page.

I appreciate any help you may have.

Thank you


I've deleted various images. You should be able to upload the correct ones or you can wait for someone else to do it if you cannot figure it out. --Equinox 23:27, 9 February 2013 (UTC)

What time is it?

I'm a bit confused about what time things happened on this wiki relative to myself. Except for a bit last night, I've been using the server time, but then I decided to change that so it matches up with my time, but I have no idea how this works. Are edits on the Recent Changes page real-time? or delayed? If so, by how much? Because this is what I saw when changing the time: A new edit comes in, and the page says 00:34, I take this to mean midnight somewhere, it was currently 03:34 for me on the east coast, 3 hours difference. Current server time was 08:34, a difference of 8 hours. I update my preferences to -05:00 as that's my current timezone, the preferences page states 08:34 as server, 03:34 as my time, this is correct. But now that edit says: 19:34, it's moved back 6 hours, not 5? I've currently set it to +03:00 because that seems to match up to me, assuming the pages are real-time. --Lithium31337 20:33, 6 February 2013 (UTC)

This is getting even weirder, I preview this page with my sig, and it states: 20:31. It is currently 15:31, 5 hours ahead of current. Which might make sense timezone wise, but I'm set to +03:00...so it should be 2 or 8 hours difference one way or the other right? Assuming it is offset, then server time is 2 hours ahead of me? Checking the Date and Time section, server time is 20:31, so sig time stamps aren't offset? Is there a list of things that are and aren't offset?

Signatures use UTC which is pretty much what used to be called GMT. As for recent changes, it's just wonky for all of us and I don't think there's anything I can do to fix it. You could always just fool around with the offset until it shows your current time in recent changes for the most recent edits. Due to the possibility of issues, I tend to just ignore the timestamp as the wiki's history for things will show things in the order that they happened. --Equinox 23:26, 9 February 2013 (UTC)

Need your insight on something:


Involving Equipment images on the Wiki and the new 3D Renders in the recent update. Also, glad to see you back!

-- Acies 18:15, 9 February 2013 (UTC)

I've chimed in. --Equinox 23:26, 9 February 2013 (UTC)


Browsing Special:WantedFiles I come across Padlock-red.svg, so I make one and try to upload it but the wiki doesn't allow svg, so my question is, what should I do?

Just ignore it. --Equinox 20:17, 17 February 2013 (UTC)

Saber notices little details from pressing the "random page" button a lot

Crystal Bomb this line has a bunch of outdated info, and the first one has the wrong damage info. It should be elemental, not piercing.

Equinox, the

Serious error...

If you haven't noticed, then it's only me experiencing this error. If you have noticed... you probably don't need me to explain it... what happened to all the images on the wiki? --HexZyle 14:08, 4 April 2013 (UTC)

I remember this happening once. I'm gonna throw in a support ticket and see if Clotho can take care of it.--Trying 15:36, 4 April 2013 (UTC)

This entire section needs updating


I'd do it myself but when I tried to re-upload the "Vial Belt" it just gave me another copy of your previous upload. It didn't say it was protected but yeah. If you can re-upload everything suited to the new UI (including Vials, Pills, and Mecha Kit) that'd be great.

EDIT: Including this too: http://wiki.spiralknights.com/File:HUD-1_vitapod.png

Like I said, I'd do it but I assume all your uploads are instantly protected?

Acies 04:47, 7 April 2013 (UTC)

Proto Armor Icons

I tried to do something fancy and make a gif of the different proto armor themes (also the current icons are a tad outdated, they look like they're from the Preview Event, I have some images I can upload but I'm wondering which theme to use) and I came up with this: Proto Armor Animated-icon.gif. The issue is, the Armor page template (and the Armor Stat template on the side of the page with all the armor info in it) are set to automatically grab the PNG file that matches the armor name. But my animated file is a GIF, so I've kinda struck a solid wall with what to do. (P.S, that file isn't animating on this page as it is when you blow it up full size :/ is that happening for you?) --HexZyle 10:53, 28 April 2013 (UTC)

The reason it doesn't animate is due to how to wiki handles resizing gifs. Use it at normal, non scaled size and it will animate, but if it's re-sized it creates a flat non-animating version of the gif for display. --Lithium31337 17:03, 28 April 2013 (UTC)
Darn. Thanks though. --HexZyle 17:47, 28 April 2013 (UTC)

Spiral Spy Images Uploaded

http://wiki.spiralknights.com/Special:Contributions/Supertoma I've left a note on his talk page. --HexZyle 16:08, 28 April 2013 (UTC)


Can I add a screenshot to the OCH picture gallery? —Preceding unsigned comment added by Ninjadrill (talkcontribs) . Please sign your posts with ~~~~

Feel free - the page is still lacking and could benefit from some images --HexZyle 21:41, 13 May 2013 (UTC)

Old Icons

Any way to grab all the old icons easily? or would I have to save each manually?

Manual. Only other "easy" way would be to make a page that has them all full size and save that. --Equinox 04:40, 25 May 2013 (UTC)

Advertisers love the New Player Briefing

Another advertiser ~Katmint 23:57, 15 August 2013 (UTC)

And another one ~Katmint 23:57, 15 August 2013 (UTC)

release rss

I have an idea for a page. Basically people can subscribe to the RSS feed of the page changes, and the page will be updated with release notes whenever spiral knights is updated. It will need to be managed by a GM or someone who can change it as soon as the update releases.

Travel Passes

Would you ever consider undeleting this page for historical interest? Or was the page just a stub? --HexZyle 09:44, 31 October 2013 (UTC)

It's actually no longer archived so even I cannot view what used to be there. --Equinox 18:13, 9 February 2014 (UTC)
Okay. I've noticed a lot of weird stuff going on in this wiki. For example, roughly only about the last 500 edits to the wiki are compiled on the recent changes list (and thus, on your watchlist) and thus after 10-15 days the edit will disappear off both and you'll only know of it the next time you check that page's history page. --HexZyle 08:42, 10 February 2014 (UTC)

Mass Image Reverts

Do you have the ability to clean the images out of the database, in cases like this? http://wiki.spiralknights.com/File:GuildLogo-Falling_Stars.png --HexZyle 18:21, 16 February 2014 (UTC)

making wiki guild page for knights errant

I've written up lists and content text, designed and formatted our logo. I have 2 unrelated web sites out there so have some experience but simply can't figure how to make this stuff into a spiffy wiki guild page from the template "guildinfo".

Please help.

(Lots of guild founders must have the same trouble. I'm savvy. What about those who have not a clue about posting and need to put out their guild page? There outa be a law!!! :-))

Updating an old Admin Forum Thread

Hello, check out comment # 71 in Forum Node 1264. I'd like to link to this: Things to Do instead of those two smaller pages, so casual forumers/editors can be updated and help out easily. That is, if you think this is a good thing to do. -Novaster 00:58, 10 February 2015 (UTC)


Ok nevermind i fixed it --1462 02:27, 31 May 2015 (UTC)

The version you uploaded is a nonsense image and does not belong on the wiki. It is fortunate that you reverted it, but the fact you uploaded this in the first place is quite worrying. -Novaster 05:45, 31 May 2015 (UTC)

A question about an official image

I want to know about the official image's meaning. I want to upload this to the spanish wiki as "SpiralKnights_News_106-big.png". It is allowed?. Also, to make the same question here, should i reupload the image as "SpiralKnights_News_106-big.png" here in the english wiki too?. --Hikaru 22:47, 27 August 2015 (UTC)

Sadly, Equinox hasn't been around for a while. It might be quiiiiite a long time before you get a response. My hunch is this would be fine for the sake of consistency, but you might want to ask via support, or leave a message on Clotho's Talk Page. Clotho is very busy atm, but you'll have better luck with a response there. --Novaster 23:02, 27 August 2015 (UTC)
Yes, i trough the same but i forgot Clotho was in the english's wiki too xD. I just leave her the msg right now. At least this is not an important issue and by the time she reply me wouldn't be "late" xD. I will use the small image meanwhile. Thx! --Hikaru 23:16, 27 August 2015 (UTC)
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