The Artifact

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The Artifact.png

The Artifact is a mysterious device that the Crimson Order seeks for an unknown reason. Gremlins claim that it possess great power.

It now remains deep within the depths of Firestorm Citadel.


Obtaining the Artifact

The Artifact was originally found at the end of The Ancient Generator after defeating Schemer Razwog. The Artifact was held within the grasp of Rhendon. Upon departing for Haven, Razwog appears once again to steal The Artifact back but is confronted shortly and the Artifact is retrieved once again.

The Artifact is reunited with the Knights at the end of the mission and is safely kept in the Lab to study.

Assault on Haven

Later on as the Knights settle into Haven various Knights receive a report that the Lab is currently under attack by a group of Gremlins. Rhendon and various other allies fight off the impending waves of Gremlins within the Lab. As the Knights battle to protect the Lab, Herex appears in the midst of the battle and is seen holding the Artifact. His motives for stealing The Artifact remain unclear as Herex retreats with it in hand.

Mysterious Consoles

Various locations found within Cradle feature strange round areas that could be consoles. Two of these are seen in the Royal Jelly Palace and the Ironclaw Munitions Factory but have either malfunctioned or are broken. Another one seen in the darkest depths of the Firestorm Citadel seems unbroken and is operational.

Dreams and Nightmares

Upon later inspection Spiral HQ receives word of earthquakes within Firestorm Citadel. As the knights inspect the now-cleared location they find Herex using The Artifact to successfully power the Console and open the Core for his one sole purpose: The Swarm.

The Artifact remains within the depths of Firestorm Citadel with no current use and cannot be removed.


Upon approaching The Artifact, a faint blue can been seen fading in and out. Its body appears to be composed of faceted discs that rotate and flash with light.


See Also

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