Gunslinger Guide
From SpiralKnights
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Specializing as a gunslinger is very useful. As a gunslinger you are able to keep your enemy at range while still dealing damage to them.
Since you are at a distance, you dont take as much damage as up close combat like swordfighting, which means you do not die most of the time. A gunslinger also has the
advantage than many guns deal full specialized damage, which means more critical damage dealt from a gun.
Some of this material will be applicable to anyone who uses a gun, but the page as a whole is written for players who use mostly guns or only guns.
The Basics
Guns generally do less damage than swords, but make up for it in range. this immediately means two things:
- Having specialized damage weapons is more important for gunslingers.
- Gunslingers have the potential to take very little damage, being able to easily stay at range from enemies.
Starting out you might as well skip normal damage guns and go straight into specialized damage. This is because once you have two specialized damage types, you are guaranteed to be able to deal at least neutral damage to all six monster types and critical damage against four types. If you were to make a normal damage gun and one specialized damage gun, you would be able to do normal damage against all six types, but critical damage against only two types.
Guns have a clip size, after which you must stop and reload before firing again. During this time you also can not shield and move at 55% speed. What this means is that reloading is the most vulnerable time for a gunslinger. Also note that one line of guns which have larger clips are autofire, and require you to stand still and shoot the entire clip which also leaves you vulnerable.
As a gunslinger you can also take shots at enemies that might otherwise not be as exposed. For example, if a silkwing were healing a lumber, and several other enemies blocked it on either side, you could pull out your Magnus and snipe a few shots at it.
Controls are important because unlike a swordsman, a gunslinger will more often move and attack in different directions. And unlike a bomber, our attacks have direction. With that in mind here is an example of how you could set up your controls to help you be an effective gunslinger:
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There are situations when you just can't afford to take damage. At times like that, it is important for a gunslinger to avoid reloading so they stay out of danger, still able to move at normal speed and shield. In this case, it is best to follow a shot pattern as follows to avoid reloading:
- shoot all but one bullet->pause->shoot all but one bullet->pause
You can avoid having to shoot before charging your weapon by using this pattern:
- shield->hold attack key->release shield
Quick weapon switching can be accomplished by using this trick to cancel the switching animations:
- switch->shield
If your shot hits between two monsters who are directly next to each other, you can do damage to both. To do this it helps to turn off your autotarget, which by default you can do by pressing and holding your left shift button.
Generally the handguns that deal a single damage type are best to use. This is because if a weapon (like Silversix) does split elemental and piercing damage, it will only do 50% critical damage against enemies that are weak to elemental or piercing.
If the enemy is neutral against the other damage type, than you will get less damage total than if you had used a weapon that solely deals what the enemy has a weakness to.
If the enemy is strong against just one of the two damage types, your damage output will be crippled by a 1/2 resistance.
In the end it might be a good idea to use a weapon that does split damage if you have just one or two weapon slots for guns, but to maximize damage it is best to equip three guns, one of each specialized damage type.
Alchemers are a line of handgun which are altogether useful. There are five alchemers, four of which deal elemental damage and one which deals shadow damage. As you upgrade your alchemer to higher star levels, the bullets begin to break and ricochet around upon impact or reaching maximum range. The ricochets of an alchemer have a chance to cause a status effect just like the first shot.
It is important to note that the mark II alchemers will always ricochet to the left of the direction your character is facing.
Elemental Damage Handguns
Elemental damage is good against constructs and undead. Gremlins and beasts are strong against elemental.
Cryotech Alchemer
Cryotech Alchemers deal elemental damage and also have a chance to freeze its targets. Ricochets however may break the freeze.
Firotech Alchemer
Firotech Alchemers deal elemental damage and also have a chance to light its targets on fire.
The Polaris has a three shot clip, and can shock its targets. It shoots bullets that expand and deal significant AoE damage, knocking back enemies.
- This gun has slow bullets and can supercharge Quicksilvers.
Prismatech Alchemer
Prismatech Alchemers deal elemental damage, but have no status effect. In exchange they deal slightly greater damage.
Voltech Alchemer
Voltech Alchemers deal elemental damage and also have a chance to inflict shock on its targets.
- Can supercharge Quicksilvers
Shadow Damage Handguns
Shadow Damage is good against slimes and gremlins. Undead and Fiends are strong against shadow.
This gun can poison your enemies. It has a three shot clip. Its charge attack fires a bullet that 'sticks' to and orbits an enemy, which can be detonated by its normal attack, causing a sizeable explosion for each orbiting charge.
- This gun has very slow bullets.
Shadowtech Alchemer
Shadowtech Alchemers deal shadow damage, and have no status effect. They deal damage comparable to the Prismatech Alchemers.
Piercing Damage Handguns
Piercing damage is good against fiends and beasts. Slimes and constructs are strong against piercing.
Blitz Needle
The Blitz Needle is one of three five star versions of the Autogun. Blitz Needle shoots in rapid bursts, and can fire two bursts before reloading. The bursts are a tight random spread of 6 fast piercing bullets. The charge attack fires 15 shots in a sweeping pattern and is followed by a reload animation. The Blitz Needle is also the best DPS gun for Lord Vanaduke. With two Elite Trueshot Modules equipped, it will take only 6 charge attacks to defeat a body phase while solo, resulting in extremely fast victories.
- You cannot move or turn while firing this gun.
The Magnus line shoots very fast bullets that have a chance to cause stun. It can interrupt attacks by knocking down enemies. However, the shooting animation leaves you standing still for a fraction of a second. At the five star level there are two guns that come from the Magnus line. One is Callahan, which deals piercing damage and has a chance to stun. Its charge attack launches the user backwards and is followed by a reload animation.
- You cannot move while firing this gun.
Plague Needle
The Plague Needle is one of three five star versions of the Autogun. Like the Blitz needle, it deals piercing damage and fires rapid bursts, but it deals slightly less damage and has a chance of inflicting Poison.
- You cannot move or turn while firing this gun.
- This item is obtained as a Blast Network reward.
Normal Damage Handguns
These weapons are less popular for dedicated gunslingers, but work well as a fourth weapon for gunslingers or as a sidearm for swordsmen or bombers.
Iron Slug
Iron Slug has a two shot clip and requires you to stand still a moment to shoot. It has some splash damage when bullets impact an enemy or reach maximum range. Its charge attack launches the user back, and may stun the enemy. This gun is also from the Magnus line.
- You cannot move while firing this gun.
Neutralizer fires bullets with a clip size of 3. Its charge attack fires a bullet that 'sticks' to and orbits an enemy, which can be detonated by its normal attack, causing a sizeable explosion for each orbiting charge.
- This gun fires very slow bullets.
Supernova has a three shot clip. It fires bullets that expand and deal significant AoE damage to all nearby monsters, as well as knocking them away from the center of the explosion.
- This gun fires slow bullets.
Valiance shoots fast bullets (not as fast as any antigua or autogun) in the form of small, bright blue energy orbs. Each shot will knock back enemies and if well aimed can hit multiple enemies. The charge attack releases a very large orb of energy that can hit multiple enemies and knock them back a significant distance. It has a clip size of three.
Volcanic Pepperbox
The Volcanic Pepperbox operates like the Blitz Needle, but its attacks deal normal damage and have a chance of inflicting fire. Its charge attack will draw an enemy in towards the source so that more damage can be dealt to the targeted enemies. Although it can works quite well with gunslinger, the Volcanic Pepperbox works better with a Gunner-Bomber setup.
- Can ignite Oilers.
- You cannot move or turn while firing this gun.
Split Damage Handguns
These guns are much less popular for dedicated gunslingers, as split damage will always deal less damage to a target than a specialized weapon. For this reason, when carrying 2-4 guns, you are almost always better off with a specialized handgun.
Argent Peacemaker
This gun shoots fast bullets that deal piercing/elemental damage, and has a clip size of six (6).
This gun shoots fast bullets that deal piercing/shadow damage, and has a clip size of six (6).
Gunslinger protects against normal and piercing damage. It has a low handgun attack speed bonus.
Sunset protects against normal and piercing damage, and offers a low handgun attack speed bonus.
Deadshot protects against normal and shadow damage. Each piece offers a medium damage vs undead bonus as well as a maximum resistance to curse.
Justifier protects against normal damage and piercing. It has a medium handgun attack speed bonus.
Nameless protects against normal damage and elemental. It has a medium handgun attack speed bonus.
Shadowsun protects against normal and piercing damage. It has a low handgun damage bonus, but maximum weaknesses to both curse and poison.
Special Stats
Handgun Attack Speed
Handgun attack speed increases the speed you can get shots off. It does not affect the speed at which you reload your weapons.
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