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"This is really fkin awkward for me and you"

Dr. Wily/Diarist
Doctah shot v2.png
Joined: 09/13/2011
Guild: Dunkshire
Achievements: 60/60

Well hi!

What's up? The name's DoctahWahwee (Which is a play on the name Dr. Wily). You may also know me by my real name; Sky, or other nicknames such as 'Diarist,' 'Doc,' 'MEDIC,' etc etc. What can I say, really? I play the game to have fun with my friends and guildmates. I'm a social butterfly, which sometimes can wind up biting me in the ass but-- hey, can't please everyone huehuehue

Like I said, I play the game to have fun with my friends and guildmates. I don't take the game seriously at all, since it's... well, a game, not a job (although it does feel like one at times huehuehue). When I'm not dungeon running I'm usually fooling around in Haven NO SCREW HAVEN IT HAS PEOPLE THERE I DON'T LIKE PEOPLE LET ME STAY IN MY GUILDHALL FOREVER with friends and guildies, or just meeting new people altogether!


I am the creator and lead Guild Master of the guild ''Dunkshire' (Previously 'Hat Simulator'). Our goal? To dunk everything in sight. Who is going to stop us? You? PSSH! Oh, and there's some stuff that involves unlocking Cradle's secrets and ending royal blood lines. And of course my personal favourite; TOUHOU TIME HUEHUEHUE.


I'm usually up for anything when it comes to runs, especially Jelly King and Lord Vanaduke runs. As well as the random recipe or Arena runs peppered in there. As the Guildmaster of Dunkshire, I try my best to run with all of my guildmates whenever I can. I don't like forming little 'groups' or being 'selective.' It's stupid. I mostly run with guildies, but I'll happily run with my friends outside of the guild any time!

As for Shadow Lair runs, I have (like most people) completed all four Shadow Lairs. I also own every set of Shadow Lair gear, making my trips down there as of late more focussed on carrying people and my guildmates as opposed to going down for myself. Although I find them fun (besides Ice Queen. SNOOOREEE), the best part of any Shadow Lair run by far is the Unknown Passage.

As for Danger Missions, I've done the Danger Mission every day since my return. I'm really glad to see new areas with new bosses, and a hint at some story details behind certain things. I really like them all aside from Compound, because it's dumb, and it's stupid, and it's stupid, and it's dumb. It's horrible level design at it's finest.

I don't really like 'soloing.' The game is meant to be played with others, not alone. I'm not saying I WON'T or HAVEN'T gone solo. I just prefer not to. If I wanna play a single-player game I'll go play something else and be antisocial and dark and edgy there wwww



I actually don't play Lockdown anymore. When I DID play it was usually T2. I played T3 as well, where people tend to just die in one swing of a Gran Faust, but T2 was a lot more skill oriented and not "who has the cr to spend on UV's." However I'll leave my stuff I used to have for you guys to see.

I don't play Blast Network. Ghetto Bomberman just doesn't appeal to me wwww


This is going to take forever to code 'cus I'm a hoarder and need to make a million things aaaaaa (WIP)

The Darkfang Shield

As you may or may not know, I'm one of the very few users in this game (I believe out of 8 in total, if memory serves me right) to hold a Darkfang Shield. This shield is widely known for being ridiculously rare, only dropping when the planets are perfectly aligned from Darkfang Thwackers every once in a blue moon, and trust me, that moon is REALLY BLUE. So blue you'll think it's from the Smurfs or something. However, I DID NOT obtain this shield via random drop. No, this shield was once under the ownership of a knight I used to know named Snarkey, who had found it and had been trying to sell it for the longest time.

Then Christmas came around...

There's a reason I'm so proud to be the GM of such an amazing group of people, who have stuck by my side for over a year now. My guild pitched in to buy this Darkfang Shield as a Christmas gift for me, when they gave it to me I was shocked. I couldn't say a word, I was literally overwhelmed with joy and tears. Our guild sticks together, and is always out for eachother. That was a Christmas I will never forget.

... But good GOD does it draw attention. I swear if I get one more "HAY WERE U GET DAT SHELD????Q" I'm going to cry huehuehue

Advice for Playing (WORK IN PROGRESS) <- Work in progress.



Welp, that's my page! Not much else to say other than hope to seeya in game!

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